
  • 网络macroeconomic decision
  1. 真实、可靠的会计信息是企业科学管理和政府宏观经济决策的依据。

    True and reliable counting information is the foundation of enterprise scientific administration and governmental macroeconomic decision .

  2. 由于宏观经济管理问题的复杂性,单纯按照控制理论组建解析模型是难以完成的,应以多级递阶系统理论为基本模式,而以应用系统分析作为宏观经济决策的基本方法。

    Because of the complexity of macroeconomic management , it is not enough to establish analytic model purely according to control theory . It is suggested to use the theory of hierarchical multilevel systems as the fundamental pattern and use applied system analysis as the basic approach to macroeconomic decision .

  3. 多Agent宏观经济决策支持系统的开发

    Method for Developing Agent-Based Macro-Economy Decision Support System

  4. 本文的创新点有:1、将OLAP系统应用于宏观经济决策分析,实现宏观经济指标数据的多角度、多维度分析和运用。

    OLAP system is used in the analysis of macroeconomic Intelligent-decision to achieve the analysis of multi-angle and multi-dimensional data . 2 .

  5. 在建立宏观经济决策GASS研讨平台的基础上,本文比较了省级区域经济发展预测过程中,GASS系统与实际过程之间在集成方法方面的区别。

    Based on the GASS , the paper compares the difference between the theory methods and real work process in integrated method by which the economic development trend forecast could be made .

  6. 泰国政府在宏观经济决策中的主导地位析论

    The Government 's Key Role in Macroeconomic Policy-making in Thailand

  7. 宏观经济决策支持系统研究(MEDSS)

    Research on the Macro Economic Decision Support System ;

  8. 然后,讨论了宏观经济决策问题。

    Then macro economy decision making is discussed .

  9. 然而,按传统模型库结构框架建立的预测模型系统,已不能很好地满足支持宏观经济决策研讨厅的要求。

    However , the forecasting model system based on multibase framework cannot satisfy the workshop much better .

  10. 研究地下经济有助于国家准确全面掌握国民经济的信息,从而减少宏观经济决策的失误。揭示地下经济活动的运行特征,有助于政府制订出切实整治地下经济的有效对策。

    It is very helpful to country hold correct national economy information in order to reduce mistake of macro economy decision-making .

  11. 这为调控物价和就业的宏观经济决策提供了理论支持。

    This regulation of prices and employment , This provides a theoretical support for macro-economic policy-makers to take appropriate measures to manipulate and control price and employment .

  12. 在开放经济的背景下,外贸竞争力是政府宏观经济决策所关注的热点问题以及制定外向型经济发展战略的基础。

    Within an open market , the precise awareness of the competitiveness of foreign trade has great significance for government on its export-oriented economic development strategy decision .

  13. 但是,在进一步开放条件下,我国的宏观经济决策将面临独立的货币政策和稳定汇率目标之间的冲突。

    However , under the condition of further opening , China 's macro-economic decisions face the conflict between the targets of independent monetary policy and stable exchange rate .

  14. 从定量的角度,在技术进步,技术有机构成提高的条件下,建立生产资料优先增长与两大部类比例保持平衡的数学模型,显得尤为重要,对于宏观经济决策,具有毋庸置疑的意义。

    From quantitative analysis , under a condition of technologic progress and improvement of technologic structure , it is important to develop a mathematical model for the optimization .

  15. 通过对关键词广告营销的微观经济分析,明确了企业关键词广告营销的成本与利润,为企业的宏观经济决策提供了重要的参考依据。

    Through a micro-economical analysis on keyword advertisement marketing , we indentify the cost and revenue measurement of keyword advertisement and provide an important foundation for enterprise macro-economical policies .

  16. 当前,我国一些企业提供虚假会计信息的现象比较突出,失真的会计信息对投资者、债权人及宏观经济决策都会产生不利的影响。

    At present , it is prominent for some enterprises in our country to provide false accountant information will produce unfavorable results to investors , creditors and macroeconomic policies .

  17. 货币总量在一国货币政策制定和宏观经济决策方面起着重要的作用,因此,科学测度货币总量具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Monetary aggregate plays an important role in the formulation of monetary policy and macro-economic policy for every country . Thus , it is of great theoretical value and realistic significance to scientifically measure monetary aggregate .

  18. 在市场经济条件下,会计信息在国民经济管理中有着十分重要的作用,它是宏观经济决策的基础,是控制和监督经济活动的依据和手段。

    In the condition of market , the accountant information is very important to supervision of country economy , it is base on economic decision-making for controlling the macroeconomic , it is the thereunder and instrument for controlling and supervising economy action .

  19. 同时更希望能有助于加强与提高宏观经济决策水平,改善宏观调控效果,促进国民经济协调发展,有效缓解我国当前面临的就业压力问题。

    At the same time , the author further hopes to contribute to strengthening and improving the decision level of macro-economic , improve macro-control effects , promote the harmonized development of national economy and alleviate effectively current pressures to the issue of employment .

  20. 无形资产在经济中的作用越来越重要,而无形资产统计对于我国增强国力、企业竞争力和资源支配力,对于实施正确的宏观经济决策,促进无形资产乃至知识经济的发展是非常必要的。

    Intangible assets are playing an important role in the economy , so it is necessary for intangible assets statistics to strengthen our state power 、 firm competitive 、 resource control power and correct macroeconomics decision-making , further understand intangible assets or knowledge-base economy .

  21. 1998年初我国政府作出了扩大内需、启动经济的宏观经济决策。但实行积极的财政货币政策的效果却不尽如人意。

    In early 1998 , the Chinese Government made a change in its macro-economic policy , that is , to develop China 's economy by expanding its domestic demands , but the effects of the positive financial and monetary policy have been less than satisfactory .

  22. 论对目的犯之教唆和帮助行为泰国宏观经济政策决策分析

    On the Action of Instigator and Assistant Thailand 's Macroeconomic Policymaking

  23. 宏观经济的决策支持系统

    Macro - economical decision support systems

  24. 加快建立覆盖城乡的社会保障体系是我国新时期为解决发展的深层次问题所提出的宏观经济社会决策。

    Building the social security system that covers both rural and urban regions in our country is an important policy that put forward in the crucial period in the development of the economy and society .

  25. 灌溉宏观经济分析与决策系统的建立和应用

    Establishment and Application of Decision System and Macro-Economic Analysis of Irrigation

  26. 此方法在宏观和微观经济决策中将有应用价值。

    The method could be used in the economic decision .

  27. 居民消费结构是宏观经济分析和决策的重要依据。

    The resident consumption structure is an important basis for the analysis and decision of macroeconomy .

  28. 当巴菲特投资或者做宏观经济基础的决策时,它就会受到投资界额外的赞赏。

    When Buffett makes an investment or macro-economic-based decision , it gets extra appreciation by the investment community .

  29. 资金流动理论研究的目的是对资金流量进行分析与预测,为宏观经济调控提供决策依据。

    To study the fund movement theory is to analyze and forecast fund flow , to serve the macroeconomic adjustment .

  30. 分析了政府对市场机制的调控原则与管理策略,提出了统一的灌溉宏观经济分析与决策系统。

    The government regulation principles and management strategies of market mechanism are analysed . An united irrigation macroeconomic analysis and decision system is presented .