
  1. 一种宏观经济监测预警系统的开发

    Development on a Kind of Macroeconomic Monitoring & Warning System

  2. 对宏观经济监测预警分析系统的改进

    Improving the System of Macro Economic Monitoring and Warning Analysis

  3. 面向辅助决策的宏观经济监测预警系统研究

    A Study on the Macroeconomic Monitoring System for Enhancing Decision Support Functions

  4. 本文分析了目前我国宏观经济监测预警现状及数据仓库的相关技术,研究了将数据仓库技术应用到宏观经济预警系统中。

    The application of data storehouse in macro-economic early warning system is studied .

  5. 用多元分析方法建立宏观经济监测预警系统

    Establishment of Monitoring and Warning System of Macroeconomy

  6. 最后,本文以湖北省为例对宏观经济监测预警系统作了实证研究,对湖北省经济形势进行综合判断与趋势判断。

    This paper takes Hubei as an example to research the economic prosperity supervising and early warning system .

  7. 重庆目前已成立了经济信息中心,在全市宏观经济监测预测方面做了大量的研究,取得了比较丰富的成果。

    A mass of research in macro-economy forecast and warning have been done , and obtained abundance production .

  8. 将已建立的经济周期波动监测预警系统应用于1998年&2001年我国宏观经济监测分析,进行实证研究。

    Economic periodic fluctuation monitor and early warning system is applied to macro economy of our country in 1998-2001 . The positive study is conducted .

  9. 第一章,引言部分,主要阐述宏观经济监测预警系统的研究背景、意义及其发展历程,对前人应用过的各种研究方法进行评述。

    The first chapter is introduction section . In this section , the research background of the main macro-economic monitoring and warning system is described and the previous application of a variety of research methods are reviewed .

  10. 简述宏观经济监测预警的研究背景、意义、国内外研究现状及研究内容,指出建立宏观经济监测预警系统的必要性和可行性。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . Summarize macro-economic monitor and early warning 's background , research situation and research contents ; point out the necessity and feasibility to develop the Monitor and Early Warning System .

  11. 按照数据仓库的构建方法,对宏观经济监测预警系统进行需求分析,选取主题,并设计数据仓库的多维数据模型,实现了经济预警系统数据仓库的建立。

    According to establishing measure of data warehouse , by analyzing of requirement in macro-economic monitor and early warning system , the choosing subject and designing multi-dimension data model of data warehouse , and data warehouse of macro-economic monitor and early warning system is established .

  12. 顾客满意度指数是目前在国际上被广泛采用的一种宏观经济质量监测指标。

    Customer Satisfaction Index is now prevailing over the world as a macro - economic indicator .

  13. 宏观经济景气监测预警体系,就是利用一系列经济指标建立起来的宏观经济报警器。

    Macroeconomic early warning system works as an economic alarm which built by a series of economic indicators .

  14. 本文首先利用突变理论中的突变模糊隶属函数法,开发了我国宏观经济运行状况监测预警系统,然后对我国宏观经济进行了预警分析。

    Firstly in this paper , the catastrophe fuzzy subordinate function is used to develop the macroeconomic monitoring & warning system , then the warning analysis of macroeconomic situation is made .

  15. 探讨建立我国宏观经济动态统计监测系统,提出了宏观经济动态监测指标体系及其预警模型和预警界限值的确立方法。

    This paper discusses how to establish the statistically monitorial system of macroscopic economy , putting forward the , index system of monitoring the trends of economy and the forming method of its pre - warning model and boundary value .

  16. 试论宏观经济动态的统计监测

    Macroscopic Observation On Statistically Monitoring the Economic Trends

  17. 建立宏观经济景气指标体系是实现对宏观经济监测与预警的前提和基础。

    To establish the index system of macroscopic economic prosperity is the premise and base of realizing the macroscopic economic monitoring and early warning .