
  1. 我省土地平整工程实施的难点与对策基于GPS高程离散点的土地平整土方量计算方法

    The difficulty and countermeasure on land levelling in Fujian Province Earthwork Calculation of Land Leveling Based on GPS Discrete Elevation Points

  2. 杭州湾大桥50m整体预制箱梁施工难点与对策

    Construction Challenges and Countermeasures for 50-m Span Integrally Precast Box Girders of Hangzhou Bay Bridge

  3. 我国企业员工培训难点与对策研究

    Research on difficulty and countermeasure of China 's enterprises employee training

  4. 举证责任倒置后医疗行为的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasure of Medical Treatment Action after Onus Probandi Inversion

  5. 发展个人消费信贷的难点与对策&试从山西省建行个贷状况论我国个人消费信贷的发展

    On the Difficult Points and Countermeasures of Developing Individual Credit Consumption

  6. 医院开展全成本核算工作的难点与对策

    Difficulties faced by hospitals in adopting full cost accounting and countermeasures

  7. 中国大学生就业难点与对策研究

    The Study of the Difficulty and Countermeasures of Chinese Academician Employment

  8. 临床检验标本质量控制的难点与对策

    The difficulty and countermeasure of controlling the clinical inspection 's quality

  9. 综合实践活动课开发实施中的难点与对策

    Problems in Developing and Implementing Comprehensive Practice Course and Corresponding Solutions

  10. 我国水利信息化建设的难点与对策

    Some problems in water conservancy informatization construction in China and countermeasures

  11. 在不锈钢316上钻微小孔的难点与对策

    The Problem and Strategy of Drilling Microhole on Stainless Steel 316

  12. 普通话水平测试中的难点与对策

    On the Difficulties and Countermeasure in the Proficiency Test of Mandarin

  13. 试论活化信贷资产存量的难点与对策

    On the difficulties of and Its Countermeasures Activating Credit Assets Deposit

  14. 论我国争取市场经济地位的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in Seeking Market Economic Position for Our Country

  15. 东亚货币合作的意义、难点与对策

    Monetary Cooperation in Eastern Asia : Significance , Difficulties and Solutions

  16. 碳酸盐岩储层欠平衡钻井技术难点与对策碳酸亚乙烯酯的合成

    Technical difficulties and Countermeasures of carbonate reservoir under - balance pressure drilling

  17. 流动儿童计划免疫管理工作的难点与对策

    Difficulties for administration of planned immunization for floating children and its countermeasures

  18. 下岗职工再就业问题的难点与对策研究

    The Disadvantage and Countermeasures of Urban Laid - off Workers ' Reemployment

  19. 深海天然气水合物钻探取心的难点与对策

    Difficulties and countermeasures of gas hydrates coring drilling of marine deep water

  20. 国有企业改革难点与对策分析

    The Difficult Points and Countermeasures in State-owned Enterprise 's Reform

  21. 我国当前劳动力参与率问题的难点与对策

    Problem and Solution : Labor Force Participation Rate in China

  22. 论劳动教养所外执行的难点与对策

    On the Difficulty and Strategy of the Enforcement outside the Laboring Penitentiary

  23. 塔河油田深井碳酸盐岩储层欠平衡钻井技术难点与对策

    Challenges and Solutions of Underbalanced Drilling in Carbonate Reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield

  24. 小城镇规划管理的重点、难点与对策

    Important Issues , problems and Countermeasures of Planning Management of Small Towns

  25. 国有企业制度创新的难点与对策

    Difficulty in Innovation of State-owned Enterprise System and Its Solutions

  26. 预应力锚索在堆积体内施工技术的难点与对策

    Technical difficulties and countermeasures in construction of prestressed anchorage cables in talus

  27. 网络经济下反洗钱监管的难点与对策

    Difficulty and Strategy of Anti - money Laundering Supervision in Network Economy

  28. 四荒资源可持续开发利用的难点与对策

    The Difficulty and Countermeasure about Continual Exploiture and Using of Four-wasteland Resource

  29. 农村全面小康建设:难点与对策

    The difficulty and countermeasure of constructing the well-being society in rural area

  30. 眼科医院麻醉科建设的难点与对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures in the construction of anesthesia department in ophthalmology hospital