
  • 网络refractory gold ore
  1. 锑对难处理金矿石(金精矿)焙烧&氰化浸金的影响

    Influence of antimony on refractory gold ore roasting and cyaniding leaching

  2. 一个难处理金矿的细菌氧化预处理研究

    Bio-oxidation and leached technological study of a refractory gold ore

  3. 含砷硫难处理金矿加CaO焙烧预处理研究

    Roasting Pretreatment of mixtures of Cao and refractory gold concentrates containing sulfur and arsenic

  4. 石棉地区难处理金矿石浸金工艺初步研究ICP-AES法测定矿石及原料中痕量钒钛

    Primary study on gold-leaching technology for refractory gold ores in Shimian region determination of trace vanadium and titanium in ores and materials by ICP-AES

  5. 某含碳难处理金矿石焙烧&氰化试验研究

    Experimental research on roasting pretreatment-cyanidation process of carbon-bearing refractory gold ore

  6. 难处理金矿石的细菌氧化机理及影响因素

    Fundamental and Influence Factors on Bacterial Oxidation of Refractory Gold Ores

  7. 广西某难处理金矿金的赋存状态研究

    Study on Gold Occurrence State of Refractory Gold Concentrates in Guangxi

  8. 工业废渣在难处理金矿固化焙烧中的应用

    Application of Industrial Waste in Fixing-Roasting of a Refractory Gold Concentrate

  9. 中国难处理金矿资源及其开发利用技术

    Refractory gold resources and relevant development and utilization technology in China

  10. 用机械活化方法强化难处理金矿浸金过程的研究

    Studies on Enhancing Leaching Process of Refractory Gold Ores by Mechanical Activation

  11. 某高砷高硫微细粒多金属难处理金矿浮选试验研究

    Experimental Research on Technology for Flotation of a Refractory Polymetallic Gold Ore

  12. 难处理金矿石堆浸的预处理技术

    Pre treatment technique for heap leaching of refractory gold ore

  13. 难处理金矿预处理过程中砷转化的非平衡随机统计

    Nonequilibrium Stochastics of Arsenic Changing During the Pretreatment of Refractory Gold Ore

  14. 难处理金矿预处理技术工业应用评述

    Reviews for industrial applications of pretreatment of refractory gold ores

  15. 含砷难处理金矿预处理研究&(Ⅱ)加石灰焙烧法

    Pretreatment of arsenical refractory gold concentrate (ⅱ) roasting by addition of lime

  16. 高砷难处理金矿的提金工艺研究

    Gold Extraction From a Refractory Concentrate Containing High As

  17. 难处理金矿石难浸的原因及预处理方法

    The cause of difficulty in leaching and preoxidation methods of refractory gold ore

  18. 难处理金矿石加石灰焙烧焙砂的多硫化物浸出

    Polysulfide leaching of calcine after roasting refractory gold ore by addition of lime

  19. 难处理金矿中多金属元素分离

    The Separation of Different Metal in Unwieldiness Gold Mine

  20. 难处理金矿石预处理技术及应用现状

    Pretreatment technique and its application of refractory gold ore

  21. 含炭难处理金矿石碘法浸出

    ( Carbon films ) Iodine Leaching of Gold from Lean Gold Ore with Charcoal

  22. 含砷难处理金矿的磁场强化氰化浸出试验研究

    Study on Treating Arsenic-bearing Refractory Gold Ore by Magnetic Field - Intensified Cyanidation Leaching

  23. 难处理金矿石预处理方法研究现状及其发展趋势

    Current Situations of Refractory Gold Ore ′ s Pretreatment Method Research and Its Tendency

  24. 难处理金矿二次包裹现象研究

    Research on Encapsulation of Roasted Refractory Gold Concentrate

  25. 难处理金矿石氧化焙烧新工艺的开发

    New technology development for gold ore oxidizing roasting

  26. 一种难处理金矿预处理新方法

    A New Pretreatment Method to Refractory Gold Ore

  27. 难处理金矿吸附浸矿细菌多糖含量变化的研究

    Study on Change of Polysaccharide Content in Leaching Bacteria During Adsorbing Refractory Gold Ore

  28. 难处理金矿石处理方法研究进展

    Methods for treatment of refractory gold ores

  29. 含砷含碳双重难处理金矿石预处理方法研究现状

    Current situations of pretreatment method research of the refractory gold ores with as and carbon

  30. 难处理金矿石的加压浸出技术

    Pressure leaching technology of refractory gold ore