
  • 网络Die for Marriage
  1. 同年,与郑正秋合作拍摄中国第一部故事片《难夫难妻》。

    In the same year he directed the first Chinese feature film The Couple in the Hard Times , cooperaed with Zheng Zhengqiu .

  2. 甚至在1913年《难夫难妻》这部以婚姻关系为主题的影片中,所有的男女演员仍都是由男演员扮演的。

    Even in the film with the theme of marriage relationship in 1913 , all actors and actresses were acted by the male .

  3. 不过也确有一些影片具有积极意义,如《难夫难妻》,在一定程度上反映了包办婚姻的合理性。

    However , these films had positive meaning , for example , The Couple in Hard Times reflected the irrationality of the arranged marriage to some degree .