
  1. 他提供的信息价值难以估量。

    The information he provided was of inestimable value .

  2. 在现阶段还难以估量这场运动的成败。

    It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage .

  3. 这也许会给她的健康带来难以估量的伤害。

    This might do untold damage to her health .

  4. 这给他的声誉造成了难以估量的损失。

    This has done incalculable damage to his reputation .

  5. 礼貌的重要性是难以估量的。

    It 's hard to measure the importance of good manner .

  6. 发展前景难以估量每立方厘米DNA上可容纳的信息要比一万亿张光盘存储的容量还要多。

    Enormous potential DNA can hold more information in a cubic centimeter than a trillion CDs .

  7. 如果ApplePay大获成功,还在等CurrentC的MCX零售商成员错过的移动支付交易是难以估量的。

    If Apple Pay becomes a hit , MCX member retailers still waiting on CurrentC to begin could miss out on untold mobile payment transactions .

  8. 即使你已经有了基本的创业计划,通过读MBA结识的人,对于你以后落实创业计划也具有难以估量的价值。

    Even if you already have a basic plan for your venture , the MBA allows you to network with people who will be of incredible value to that plan in the future .

  9. 对TPP的参与方来说,无法签订协议会造成难以估量的后果,因为中国这种追求重商主义,由政府主导经济政策的国家,会受到鼓励,来为亚太地区设置贸易规则。

    For the T.P.P. parties , failure to conclude an agreement would have untold costs , as countries like China that pursue mercantilist , government-directed economic policies would be emboldened to set the terms of trade in the Asia-Pacific region .

  10. 实施、保持和改进质量管理体系需要动力,而培育和提升核心竞争力也需要一套科学的管理方法,将实施ISO9000标准与提高企业核心竞争力联系起来,会使企业取得难以估量的成效。

    Implementing , holding and improving quality control system needs motive power . Raising and improving core competition also needs a set of scientific management method . Association implementing ISO 9000 standards with improving the core competition can make the enterprise achieve good result to estimate difficultly .

  11. 反之,企业就可能会遭受难以估量的损失。

    On the contrary , enterprises may suffer inestimable loss .

  12. 她为我和我的兄弟姐妹的付出是难以估量的。

    Her dedication to me and my brothers and sisters is immeasurable .

  13. 洪水造成的损失难以估量。

    The losses caused by the floods were beyond compute .

  14. 种族隔离制度给我们这片次大陆造成了难以估量的破坏。

    The apartheid destruction on my subcontinent is in calculable .

  15. 如果这牵扯到孩子的话,那么伤害的程度将难以估量。

    If children are involved , the harm is immeasurable .

  16. 你们继承无数伟人的血脉他们的强大难以估量。

    You now hail from a lineage and legacy of immeasurably strong men .

  17. 这些暴行对中国的文化造成了难以估量的损害。

    These atrocities caused immeasurable damage to Chinese culture .

  18. 现代企业的运作日益依赖于信息技术,信息数据的丢失和损坏将对企业造成难以估量的损失。

    The daily operation of modern corporations is now increasingly dependent on information technology .

  19. 社会因素是农户土地利用选择中最难以估量的影响因素。

    Social factors were the most difficult estimated aspect of household land use choices .

  20. 那价值是难以估量的。

    There is no price too high .

  21. 一个繁荣昌盛富的中国,将难以估量地改善10多亿人的生活。

    A prosperous China would immeasurably improve the lives of more than a billion people .

  22. 众所周知,音乐对我们的情感的作用是难以估量的。

    It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our emotions .

  23. 而四天骚乱之后,所损失的财产代价,也是难以估量的。

    The financial cost , after four days of rioting , is hard to calculate .

  24. 银行此举的影响或其潜在隐性成本难以估量。

    It is difficult to overstate the significance of this , or the potential hidden costs .

  25. 数码摄影的发展及其对视觉艺术的影响是今日难以估量的。

    The development of digital photography and its impact on the visual arts is immeasurable today .

  26. 由此引发的后果将对于地球人口和基础设施造成难以估量的后果。

    The consequences for human populations and infrastructure as a result of an impact are enormous .

  27. 你对她精神上的伤害是难以估量的。

    There 's no way to measure the damage you 've have done to her morale .

  28. 这东西的价值难以估量。

    This stuff is beyond invaluable .

  29. 就全球而言,美国生产率趋势变动的重要影响难以估量。

    In global terms , it is hard to overstate the significance of US productivity developments .

  30. 数据一旦丢失和损坏将会给这些企业和个人带来难以估量的损失。

    Great loss will be brought to these enterprises and individual once data are lost and damaged .