
  1. 优化遗址园林景观提升合肥城市软实力

    Optimize Garden Landscape of Relics Park and Increase Soft Power of Hefei

  2. 笔者认为,提升大连城市软实力需要综合的手段和措施。

    The author believes that soft power upgrade Dalian need for a comprehensive means and measures .

  3. 新闻传媒是提升城市软实力的中坚力量,新闻传媒通过议程的设置、舆论的引导、媒介现实的塑造、以及媒介事件的构筑,对软实力施以最直接和最强大的影响。

    Agenda Setting , Public Opinion , Media Reality , and Media Events , are impose on soft power directly and mostly .

  4. 作为城市软实力重要组成部分,城市公共文明水平如何不但影响城市形象,而且很大程度上制约了基础设施功能的发挥。

    AS an important component of soft strength , city public civilization not only affects the city image , but also restricts the function of city infrastructure .

  5. 本文以传媒为切入点,旨在探讨传媒与城市软实力的关系,从而提出全面提升城市软实力的媒介策略。

    Focusing on the media , this dissertation aims to study the relationship between media and city soft power , and attempts to propose the media strategies needed for an overall improvement of city soft power and the tactics for implementing such strategies .

  6. 提升城市文化软实力是打造区域中心城市的必然之路

    Promoting the Cultural Soft Power-An Inevitable Approach in Building up Metropolitan-regional City

  7. 构建软硬资本理论创新我国资本工具社会资本:城市的软实力

    Building the Flexible and Non-Flexible Capital Theory and Creating More Capital Instruments Focus on Social Capital

  8. 城市文化软实力已成为衡量一个城市竞争力水平的重要指标。

    Urban culture soft power is becoming an important index of weighing cities ' competitive power .

  9. 国家中心城市文化软实力评价研究&以港京沪津穗城市为例

    The Cultural Soft Power of National Central Cities : A Case Study of the Top Five National Central Cities in China

  10. 因此,提升城市文化软实力,有利于增强城市的综合竞争力,提高国家的自主创新能力,加快经济发展方式转变、实现经济又好又快发展。

    Generally speaking , the advancement of the soft power of city culture will benefit in enhancing urban comprehensive competitiveness and national independent innovation ability , accelerating the transformation of economic development pattern , then realizing rapid and sound economic development .

  11. 城市文化软实力是以文化的创新为核心,文化产业为载体,打造文艺精品和文化品牌为手段,通过增强文化的竞争力来推动城市经济的持续发展和社会的全面进步。

    The soft power of city culture is to enhance cultural competitiveness to promote urban sustained economic development and social progress , in which the cultural innovation serves as the core , the culture industry as the carrier , and the high-quality art goods or culture brands as the means .

  12. 提升广州城市社区文化软实力的三个重要环节

    Three Important Links for Promoting the Cultural Soft Power of Guangzhou City

  13. 提升城市文化“软实力”,关键在于提升人的“软实力”,即人的素质。

    The key of promoting the soft power of the civic culture is promoting the peoples soft power , peoples quality .

  14. 本文对港京沪津穗五大国家中心城市的文化软实力进行了分析,并就城市如何提升文化软实力提出了建议。

    The paper takes Hong Kong , Beijing , Shanghai , Tianjin and Guangzhou as examples and proposes ways to upgrade the cultural soft power of these national central cities .

  15. 城市形象是城市软实力的重要构成要素,在大众传媒对社会具有巨大影响力的今天,城市形象利用大众媒体来塑造传播有着深刻的必要性。

    The image of the city is an important constituent elements of the city soft power , in the mass media has a huge influence on society , the image of the city to shape the need for spreading the use of mass media .

  16. 目前,文化已经成为国家与国家之间、城市与城市之间竞争的软实力。

    Nowadays , culture has been a soft power between cities & countries in the competition .

  17. 政府作为城市最重要的管理主体,对于推进城市文化软实力的提升责无旁贷。

    As an important urban management subject , there is no shirking the responsibility for government to enhance urban culture soft power .

  18. 其中的一个特点便是,软实力概念被扩展到区域、城市、企业、组织等层面,尤其是城市软实力。

    One of the characteristics of soft power study is the extensive application of soft power at regional , city , corporate and organizational levels , in particular , city soft power .

  19. 城市对体育赛事的制约因素有:政府、城市硬实力和城市软实力。

    The constraints of the city of the sports events : the city government , the urban hard power and urban soft power .