
  • 网络City Hostel;CITY INN;city hotel;Hotel City;City Guest House
  1. 现代城市旅馆的功能空间关系研究

    The Relationship of the Downtown Hotel 's Functional Spaces

  2. 有,我每周都看那部情景喜剧??你知道,就是那部反映一家城市旅馆生活的喜剧。

    Yes , you know there 's that sitcom that I watch every week ? you know , the one which is set in a downtown hotel .

  3. 只要我们在旅途劳顿后,却被公路旁汽车游客旅社和城市旅馆拒之门外,我们就决不会满意。

    We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies , heavy with the fatigue of travel , cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities .

  4. 城市中旅馆房间的价格在节日期间贵得离谱。

    Hotel rooms in the city are ridiculously overpriced during the festival .

  5. 旅馆,尤其是大城市的旅馆,多数要预先订房。

    Reservations in advance are necessary in most hotels , especially in large cities .

  6. 随着对外开放对内搞活政策的落实,旅游事业迅速发展,全国各大城市高层旅馆建筑大批兴建。

    A large number of high-rise hotel buildings have been or are being built in China along with the rapid development of tourist trade .

  7. 在书店和杂货店,大都可以买到旅馆指南,介绍每个城市的旅馆房租。

    Guide books are available at most book shops and drugstores that describe the hotels in each city , including the cost of the rooms .

  8. 像庐山、九华山,洛阳、青岛等城市,旅馆出租率已经超过90%。

    The guest house rental rate has exceeds 90 % in hotspots such as Lushan and Jiuhuashan Mountains , and cities such as Luoyang and Qingdao .

  9. 如果你住不起旅馆(虽然有些旅馆15块钱就能住一晚,有些大城市的旅馆甚至还能再便宜些),可以考虑做沙发客。

    If a hostel is too pricey for you ( though there are many which offer beds at 15 bucks a night or even less in major cities ), couch surfing is a wonderful option .

  10. 大城市里的旅馆价格贵,但并非负担不起。

    Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive .

  11. 访问美国时,可以住的地方很多,从大城市的大旅馆到国有森林和国家公园里的宿营地,应有尽有。

    There are a wide variety of places to stay when visiting the United States , ranging from large hotels in the major cities of the country to camp grounds in the nation 's forests and parks .

  12. 人们认为它是这座城市里最好的旅馆。

    It was reckoned as the best hotel in the town .

  13. 他们告诉我,我可以付三百美元去四个城市旅游,包括旅馆和三餐。

    They told me I could take a four-city trip for only three hundred dollars , including hotels and meals .

  14. 虽然有点远离城市中心,但是旅馆将组织豪华轿车在几分钟内将参会者带到相应地点。

    It is somewhat far from the city centre but the hotel will be organising a shuttle bus service to ferry participants to the city 's strategic points in just a few minutes .

  15. 在大城市或靠近大城市的汽车游客旅馆,收费可能要比这个价格更高,在小城市价格也许会低一点。

    Motels in and near large cities tend to be more expensive than this , in smaller towns the prices may be lower .