
  1. 它的速度可并非王婆卖瓜,吉尼斯世界纪录中有它的记载。

    Its speed claims are verified by the Guinness World Records .

  2. 评测者和用户届时可以验证下谷歌的王婆卖瓜究竟是否属实。

    Reviewers and users will have to decide whether such claims live up to scrutiny .

  3. 王婆无疑是《金瓶梅》群丑之中的重要一丑。

    So undoubtedly , Wangpo is an important one of the clowns in the story .

  4. 我可能有些“王婆买瓜”的味道,但是这种可以按照需要获取大量存储的能力看上去的确是非常酷。

    Perhaps I am biased , but the ability to requisition this much storage on an as-needed basis seems pretty cool .

  5. 王婆卖瓜的典故大家都听说过,每一家公司都倾向于展示自身最完美的一面,对于不足之处则尽可能避而不谈。

    All companies tend to demonstrated the best side of their product and technology , and avoid their shortcomings during the show .

  6. 但是,派别的有趣大多在于他人的评说,而非自己如何王婆卖瓜。

    But most of what makes a school truly interesting is what others say about it ; not what it says about itself .

  7. 他们声称只是想娱乐一下孩子们,并且保证不发他们那些王婆卖瓜并诋毁中国的小册子。

    They claim they just want to entertain the children and have promised they won 't pass out pamphlets promoting their movement and denigrating China .

  8. 本文通过对恭城平地瑶“盘王婆”祭仪的深入研究,揭示了“社会记忆”的人类学内涵。

    Based on the deep research on the fete ceremony for panwangpo of Pingdi Yao in certain town , the article reveals the connotation of anthropology profoundly .

  9. 我说这些不是王婆卖瓜自卖自夸,因为我觉得,与许多我知道的人比较,我的成就都是相形见绌的。

    I say all this not to boast about how great I am , because I feel my accomplishments are rather modest compared to many people I know .