
nán dù xì shù
  • degree of difficulty
  1. 难度系数十分高。

    The degree of difficulty is also very high .

  2. 尽管难度系数很大,但她还是跳得非常漂亮。

    In spite of the great degree of difficulty , he did a wonderful dive .

  3. 通过计算难度系数,得出权向量;

    By calculating coefficient of difficulty , to get weight vector .

  4. 根管治疗难度系数评估模式探讨

    A study of mode for evaluating difficulty coefficient in root canal therapy

  5. 试题难度系数确定数学模型的建立与实现

    Foundation and realization of mathematics model for difficulty coefficient of test questions

  6. 开式模锻终锻型槽充满难度系数

    Difficulty coefficient to fill up finishing impression of closed-die forging

  7. 公路路政管理难度系数综合评价模型

    Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Difficulty Coefficient of Road Administration

  8. 挤压铝型材断面难度系数的探讨

    Exploration about Section Difficulty Coefficient of Extruding Aluminium Profiles

  9. 裁判们就以跳跃的难度系数来加分。

    The judges multiply the scores on the jumps by a difficulty factor .

  10. 在智能出卷系统中,有一个重要的参数就是难度系数。

    Coefficients of difficulty plays an important role in smart examination paper system .

  11. 根据90份调查问卷考察了留学生的动量词使用情况。问卷主体分五大题,难度系数和考察角度各不相同。

    Questionnaire contains five parts from difficulty coefficient and inspection points of view .

  12. 试题库试题难度系数自适应学习整定

    Self-study and Adaptive Adjusting of Exam-question Difficulty Coefficient

  13. 在悬浮力研究中,提出了悬浮难度系数的概念。

    Especially , the difficult levitation coefficient conception is created during researching levitation force .

  14. 向前翻腾4周半,难度系数3.5。

    A forward four and a half somersaults with the degree of difficulty , 3.5 .

  15. 游泳成绩是由难度系数决定的。

    Swimming performance is determined by degree-of-difficulty-factor .

  16. 介绍了一种根据试卷的难度系数进行自动组卷的组卷策略;

    This paper introduces a tactics of automatic creating test paper by the difficulty coefficient ;

  17. 难度系数评分法

    A Method of Appraising Coefficient of Difficulty

  18. 得分是由裁判的打分和动作的难度系数决定的。

    The score is decided by the judges'scores and the degree of difficulty of the dive .

  19. 有难度系数限制的自选动作

    Voluntary dive with limit

  20. 建下煤资源补偿费征收难度系数的模糊确定法研究

    Determining of coal recovery difficulty factor by means of fuzzy algorithm in the mathematic model for calculating mineral resource compensation fee

  21. 在组题的时候,可以按照难度系数、考试范围进行试题抽取。

    During generating the papers , examination questions can be collected according to the degree of difficulty and the scope of examination .

  22. 结果:确立各牙位难度系数的分布范围和根管治疗难度的分级标准。

    RESULTS : By this formula , difficulty coefficient in different teeth and criteria for grading difficulties in root canal therapy were determined .

  23. 结论根管治疗难度系数评估标准在评估分析中操作规范、直观简便、科学有效,但需在临床上进一步研究。

    Conclusion The Endodontic case difficulty assessment standards demonstrated standard , simple and convenient , scientific and effective . Clinical study was further needed .

  24. 这不仅给我们的生活带来了巨大的威胁,也极大的提高了侦查工作的难度系数。

    This is not only a great threat to our lives , but also greatly improves the coefficient of difficulty of the investigation work .

  25. 结果根管治疗难度系数评估标准利用牙体和髓腔根管解剖能进行根管治疗难度的评估。

    Results Endodontic case difficulty assessment standard could be applied to evaluate the root canal treatment difficulty score based on the anatomy of tooth .

  26. 结论:制作全口金属牙合垫修复牙列磨损及缺失,虽然难度系数较大,但目前仍不失为一种良好的齿科临床修复方法。

    Conclusion Fabricating complete metal occlusal pad , though the difficulty coefficient is big , is still a good dental clinical restoration method at present .

  27. 事实上,魔术是门涉及数学、物理、化学、心理学以及表演的艺术,难度系数很高。

    In fact , the art of magic involves mathematics , physics , chemistry , psychology and performance , which are all difficult to learn .

  28. 随着移位建筑物总高度的增加和柱间距的增大,框架柱所负担的竖向荷载也越来越大了,使得托换设计的难度系数也随之提高。

    With the increase of mobile homes number and spacing , frame column under vertical load increasing , the underpinning design also increased the difficulty of .

  29. 不管怎么样,你们总算有了一件可以一起做的事,而且难度系数不高,还有一顿甜蜜的热汤晚餐可以期待。

    Either way , you 'll have something to do together that 's not too challenging , and a lovely soup dinner to look forward to .

  30. 以考查点、难度系数和题型为主要控制参数建立了组卷问题的数学模型,并给出了用遗传算法解决组卷问题的新方法。

    This paper presented a mathematical model with the main controlling parameters of the main points of knowledge , coefficient of difficulty and the structure of test question .