
  • 网络Modern style;modern;Contemporary;contemporary style;Style Moderne
  1. CaveHugoRoyal公司表示能为顾客设计奢华、简约、或是现代风格的酒窖。

    Cave Hugo Royal says it can create a luxury , simple , or modern style cellar for its clients .

  2. 还有人认为是詹妮·布赖恩特(JanieBryant)的问题。她是电视剧集《广告狂人》(MadMen)的服装设计师,这部剧抓住了人们对上世纪中叶现代风格日益迷恋的情愫。

    Others pointed the finger at Janie Bryant , costume designer of the television show ' Mad Men , ' which capitalized on a growing national obsession with midcentury modern style .

  3. 他们的音乐融合了传统和现代风格。

    Their music blends traditional and modern styles .

  4. 由于没有更合适的词来表达,我们把我们的音乐称作“后现代风格”。

    We call our music ' postmodern ' for the want of a better word .

  5. 建筑物顶部渐尖的后现代风格(b简霍尔茨凯)

    The post - modern mode of tapering the tops of buildings ( bJane Holtz Kay )

  6. 我们悄然进入位于昔日公共租界(InternationalSettlement)的一幢现代风格建筑后,服务员把我们带至楼上的素餐厅,这儿的幽静私密包间几乎清一色用日式极简主义风格打造。

    We have slipped into a modern building in the former International Settlement and have been shown upstairs to the restaurant , where our quiet private room is decorated with an almost Japanese minimalism .

  7. 在Facebook网站的评论中,有数百位客户热烈讨论是否要挑选银色的高帮全息运动鞋,或者现代风格的经典机车夹克。

    In Facebook comments , hundreds of customers chatter about whether to pick up a silver holographic high-top sneaker or a contemporary take on the classic motorcycle jacket .

  8. 对于传统的、基于文本的界面使用dialog,Zenity提供现代风格的视窗化桌面。

    You use dialog with traditional , text-based interfaces ; Zenity proffers the style of the modern , windowed desktop .

  9. LeRicher与巴黎诸多现代风格的咖啡屋大同小异——配备着上世纪60年代风格的椅子、裸露的石墙因挂有镜子而显得蓬荜生辉,透过飘窗可眺望右岸地区(RightBank)的寻常街道。

    Le Richer looks like dozens of other modernised Paris caf é s , with 1960s-style chairs , exposed stone walls brightened with mirrors , and bay windows looking on to an unremarkable Right Bank street .

  10. LeRicher把本地人流连忘返的温馨感与现代风格小餐馆的高水准合二为一,作为为数不多的混合经营咖啡馆,正在改变巴黎的咖啡文化。

    Combining the warmth of a local hangout with the high standards of a modern bistro , Le Richer belongs to a handful of hybrids that are transforming Parisian caf é culture .

  11. 在总部位于多伦多的设计公司Teknion任设计和创意副总裁的史蒂夫?费尔贝克(SteveVerbeek)表示,让来访者坐在色彩明亮的软垫小凳上或是现代风格的斜躺椅上,可以传达出“一种平等的主张”。

    Seating guests on bright ottomans or contemporary reclining chairs communicates ' an egalitarian approach , ' says Steve Verbeek , vice president , design and innovation , for Teknion , a Toronto-based design firm .

  12. 但在柏林-勃兰登堡科学与人文科学院(Berlin-BrandenburgAcademyofSciencesandHumanities)波茨坦分院,我却在一间现代风格的办公室里看到了一位年轻研究员,他告诉我他的大部分工作是分析古代手稿,非常枯燥。

    But at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Potsdam , I find instead a young researcher in a modern office , who tells me that much of his work is tedious analysis of ancient manuscripts .

  13. 114间客房由巴黎的Gilles&Bossier公司设计,包括现代风格的木制和钢制家具、羊绒床罩,以及从意大利奢侈品公司马肖尼(Mascioni)定制的织品。

    The Paris-based Gilles & Bossier designed the 114 guestrooms , which have contemporary wood and steel furniture , cashmere throws and custom-made linens from the luxury Italian company Mascioni .

  14. 可是,毕加索和马蒂斯等现代风格目前相当盛行。

    However , modernists such as Picasso and Matisse are in vogue .

  15. 这歌剧很有现代风格。

    The opera is very much in the modern idiom .

  16. 他以注重地方特色口味的现代风格而闻名。

    He is known for a contemporary style which emphasises regional produce .

  17. 两位诗人偶尔也能获致现代风格。

    Both of the poets occasionally capture the modern manner .

  18. 微软试图用新颖的设计让开始菜单更具现代风格。

    Microsoft made efforts to modernize the Start menu with a fresh design .

  19. 这间是现代风格的客厅。

    This living room is in a modern style .

  20. 后现代风格的画廊,以前不过是酿酒车间。

    A post-modernist gallery once being a brewing workshop .

  21. 四星级标准,现代风格的全装修酒店式服务公寓,到静安寺仅需步行5分钟。

    Superior standards and modern equipped apartments , 5 minutes'walk from Jing'an Temple .

  22. 后现代风格在中国家具设计中的渗透

    Penetration of Post-modern Design Style in Chinese Furniture Design

  23. 一个强健的和现代风格的香烟情形是所有的凉爽小孩所有的!

    A sturdy and stylish cigarette case is what all the cool kids have !

  24. 您怎么将建筑的现代风格同一座教堂的精神内涵相结合?

    How could you combine the modern style with the spirituality of a cathedral ?

  25. 她的房子的装饰是古老和现代风格的奇妙结合。

    Her house is furnished in a curious mixture of old and modern styles .

  26. 在现代风格的生活中允诺终极,格洛斯特将会设定脉膊竞赛。

    Promising the ultimate in stylish living , THE GLOUCESTER will set pulses racing .

  27. 中国山水画现代风格转折中的四位巨星

    The Four Giant stars of Chinese landscape Painting in the Turning of Modern Style

  28. 玻璃墙面厨房很光亮,现代风格气息更加浓郁。

    Glass wall kitchen is bright , modern style , a more rich flavor .

  29. 无论您的工程要求古典风格合适现代风格,我们都能满足您的需求。

    No matter what style , classical or modern , we can satisfy your needs .

  30. 二是九十年代中期的都市题材片中,后现代风格的电影人物塑造成功。

    Urban theme of the film of the mid-1990s , post-modern style of the film characterization .