
  • 网络Modern Business;Modern commercial;modern trade
  1. DS:我总是认为软件开发对任何想在现代商业气候中成功的企业来说是决定性的。

    DS : I 've always believed that software development is critical to any organization that wants to succeed in a modern business climate .

  2. 上世纪20年代末,时代公司(TimeInc.)创始人亨利•卢斯(HenryLuce)筹办这本现代商业杂志之时,通用汽车正超越福特成为世界第一大汽车制造商。

    As Time Inc. founder Henry Luce was creating the modern business magazine at the end of the 1920s , GM was passing Ford to become the world 's largest automaker .

  3. 电子商务是新兴的现代商业模式,Web数据挖掘是先进的信息处理技术。

    Electric commerce is a fire-new business mode , and Web data mining is a promising new technology to transact information .

  4. 但直到最近它们才发展到企业级别,拥有IBMiforPowerSystems上的大型现代商业应用程序所需的特征。

    Only recently have they developed up to an enterprise level with characteristics required by modern large scale commercial applications on IBM Power Systems with IBM i.

  5. 商业外观译自英语中的TradeDress,作为现代商业竞争的一种新要素,西方许多国家对商业外观都提供了相应的知识产权保护。

    As a new factor of modern commercial competition , many western countries has given the protection of intellectual property to trade dress .

  6. 电子商务(Electroniccommerce,简称EC)是计算机技术、网络通信技术与现代商业有机结合的产物。

    Electronic Commerce ( EC for short ) is an integration of computer technology , network communications and modern commerce .

  7. 我国市场经济的繁荣以及WTO的加入,促进了现代商业的发展,加快了商业自动化的进程。

    Prosperity of market economy and entrance to WTO are promoting the development of modern commerce and accelerating the course of commercial automatization .

  8. 现金管理(CashManagement),是现代商业银行针对企业资金管理需求而推出的一种数字化和网络化的专业化金融服务。

    Cash management is a kind of specialized financial services launched by modern commercial banks , which is based on digital and networks , aiming at meeting the needs of enterprise funds management .

  9. 传统Web设计存在普遍性的误区,很多思想仅仅适用于早期或者面向页面的简单Web站点开发,难以面对现代商业站点中的大量事务处理。

    The traditional method of Web design has being put in erroneous zone , many thought about witch are suitable to the early-time or facing-page Web sites ' development , facing in the modern commercial sites massive business to process with difficulty .

  10. 该部分作者采用市场营销学的市场细分与目标市场选择理论以及采用SWOT分析法对现代商业银行市场营销战略理论进行阐述。

    In this part , temporary commercial banks ' theory on marketing strategy is explained by means of market subdivisions and target market options of the marketing , SWOT analysis method .

  11. 随着Internet技术的不断发展与成熟,电子商务这一现代商业模式以其高效率、低成本和不受时空限制的特点成为企业商务活动发展的大势所趋。

    With the continuous development of Internet technology , the modern E-commerce business model for its characteristics , such as high efficiency , low cost and without restrictions of space and time , E-commerce business model becomes a trend in the development of business activities .

  12. 随着信息化、网络化的同新月异,以ATM交易为代表的自助交易将逐步取代网点交易,成为现代商业银行为客户服务的主流渠道。

    Accompany the fast pace of information and network industry development , the ATM transaction will substitute the transaction in branch organization of a bank and become the main channel in customer service system of local commercial bank .

  13. 以安全性为首要经营目标的现代商业银行,便将COSO理论充分的运用在信贷资产安全防范上。

    For the primary business goal in the safety of modern commercial bank , we will make full use of the COSO theory in the credit assets safe guard .

  14. 他张扬而富有侵略性的风格与现代商业文化格格不入,而他离开ge时索取的怪异而又微不足道的退休福利,也毁了他维护股东价值的声誉。

    His yappy , aggressive style is woefully out of sync with contemporary business culture . And his status as the champion of shareholder value was destroyed when he made off from GE with a retirement package both outlandish and petty .

  15. 现代商业银行与资本市场的关系透视

    Discussion On the Relationship between Modern Commercial Banks and Capital Markets

  16. 加速建立现代商业银行的资产负债管理体系

    On the Establishment of Asset / Liability Management of Commercial Banks

  17. 现代商业建筑室内开放空间的设计探析

    Study of the indoors open space that modern business building design

  18. 建立以计算机和通信技术为基础的现代商业企业管理体系

    Establishing Modern Commercial Management System Based on Computer and Communication Techniques

  19. 制度文化是现代商业银行的核心竞争力;

    Institutional culture represents the core competitiveness of modern commercial banks ;

  20. 现代商业银行离不开绩效考核。

    Modern business bank could not lake of performance evaluation system .

  21. 浅析现代商业展示设计中如何推广企业品牌形象

    How to Promote Brand Images of Enterprises in Commercial Display Designs

  22. 环境艺术设计在现代商业展示设计中的体现

    The Embodiment of Environment Arts Design in Modern Commercial Exhibition Design

  23. 信息革命与现代商业的变革

    The Information Revolution and the Reform of the Modern Commerce

  24. 经济资本在现代商业银行经营管理中的运用

    Applying Economic Capital in the management of Modern Commercial Banks

  25. 现代商业广告的作用与非道德行为

    The Effect and Immoral Behavior of the Modern commercial Advertisements

  26. 浅谈现代商业零售业的发展

    Talking about the Development of the Modern Commercial Retail Business

  27. 现代商业照明的产品设计初探

    Theory and evolution about product design in modern commercial lighting

  28. 现代商业街建筑空间与传统文脉的结合

    Discusses the Fusion of Modern Commercial Street Space and the Traditional Culture

  29. 关联交易是现代商业活动中常见的经济行为。

    Connected transaction is a common economic behavior in modern business activities .

  30. 防范风险是银行经营的永恒主题,现代商业银行管理中要坚持效益、质量、规模协调发展;

    Risk prevention constitutes the perpetual topic for banking management .