
  • 网络Artistic Style;artistic touch
  1. 人类通常不满足于仅仅搭建起一个简陋的建筑物,但是认为有必要在一个即使是很偏僻的地方营造出一种艺术格调。

    Mankind could often not be content just to put up a basic structure , but felt the need , even in such an isolated place , to build with an artistic touch .

  2. 一贯传承的线条,倾注的是多元的艺术格调。

    What the traditional lines concentrate on is the variedly artistic styles .

  3. 虚谷独特的艺术格调可谓独辟蹊径、自成一家,在中国近代美术史上尤其花鸟画史上占有重要地位。

    His unique artistic style is unique , strike out a new line for oneself , in China modern art history especially flower and bird painting occupies an important position .

  4. 文化内涵和艺术的格调高低,决定了书籍装帧设计的文化品位,我按照设计流程,通过对《家庭书架丛书》整体形态的设计分析,来研究传统文化在现代书籍装帧设计中的应用。

    The culture connotation and artistic taste decide the culture taste of books design ; According to design flow , I research the application of traditional culture in modern design by analyzing the whole situation of design .

  5. 复古,是对完美艺术的向往,格调,是偶尔穿插的浪漫。

    Retro is longing for perfect arts , style is the romantics interspersed occasionally .

  6. 民间叙事、打造京味艺术品格,追求亲切幽默的艺术格调和浅白平易的语言风格是其典型表征。

    Civilian narration , forging Beijing-flavored artistic character , pursuing friendly humourous artistic pattern and simple language are their typical tokens .