
qīng qīng chǔ chǔ
  • be crystal clear;be absolutely clear
清清楚楚[qīng qīng chǔ chǔ]
  1. 她一席话把整个事态的一切纷扰剖析得清清楚楚。

    Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation .

  2. 他什么事都能记得清清楚楚。

    He could remember everything very distinctly .

  3. 他站在那里一动不动,不能相信眼前如此清清楚楚看到的一切。

    He stood without moving a muscle , unable to believe what his eyes saw so plainly .

  4. 湖面如镜,把岸上的树木照得清清楚楚。

    The water of the lake mirrored all the trees on the bank .

  5. 现在案情已经清清楚楚了。

    The case is now absolutely clear .

  6. 我想把我的意思解释得清清楚楚。

    I want to make my meaning crystal clear .

  7. 当你年长的亲戚需要进入某种长期的护理机构时——一个几乎所有父母和子女处理起来都心存畏惧的时刻——你想要做的就是把一切都弄得清清楚楚。

    When your elderly relative needs to enter some sort of long-term care facility — a moment few parents or children approach without fear — what you would like is to have everything made clear .

  8. 我们在车库里组装AppleI时,成本算得清清楚楚

    When we were building our apple Is in the garage , we knew exactly what they cost .

  9. 在Chrome上打开介绍“隐身”模式的页面,第二段写得清清楚楚。

    On Chrome , the second paragraph of the " incognito " home screen is clear .

  10. 相比之下,Remote只是清清楚楚地将我电脑上的所有音乐显示在iPodtouch的彩色屏幕上。

    Remote , by contast , cleanly displays all the music on my PC on the color screen of my iPod touch .

  11. 所以,我们才会发现我们看中的五斗柜上,清清楚楚地标了个“XPT”。那是什么意思啊?

    and so we find that our chest of drawers is clearly marked " XPT . " What does that mean ?

  12. 在临近上尼罗河州的Sudd沼泽油源丰富,如Longuchuk这样偏远的村庄,所有的危险清清楚楚。

    The dangers can be seen all too clearly in remote villages like Longuchuk , near the oil-rich Sudd marshes of Upper Nile state .

  13. 他的痛苦而破碎的心,清清楚楚地感到这种体贴入微的友谊。

    His bruised heart keenly felt the comfort of the kindness .

  14. 这一刻在某种程度上使一种感觉变得清清楚楚。

    That this one moment is sort of crystallizing a feeling .

  15. 我知道你得把事情弄得清清楚楚

    I knew you had to go make sense of things .

  16. 你们的诡计我听的清清楚楚

    I can hear the two of you scheming out there !

  17. 他的实验报告像通常那样写得清清楚楚。

    As usual his experiment report was all written out neatly .

  18. 我对发生的每件事的细枝末节都记得清清楚楚。

    I had remembered in minute detail everything that had happened .

  19. 他写字很细心,使每个字都清清楚楚的。

    He wrote so carefully as to make every word clear .

  20. 我清清楚楚的看到炮塔上的十字。

    I saw perfectly the white crosses on the turrets .

  21. 可我记得清清楚楚你是答应了要给我打电话!

    But I distinctly remember you promising to phone me !

  22. 目击者说她把他的脸看得清清楚楚。

    The witness said she got a good look at his face .

  23. 对于这样的困难,富氏公司知道得清清楚楚。

    The China food company knows all about such difficulties .

  24. 他知道吗?是啊,清清楚楚

    Does he know that ? - Yes , totally .

  25. 它使得相关各方职责明确,对各类失职的处罚规定清清楚楚。

    It makes parties responsibilities clearly , punishment for dereliction of clear .

  26. 我记得清清楚楚,小珠儿也会记得的。

    I remember it ; and so shall little Pearl .

  27. 覆盖大地的那种最苍郁的灌木,显得清清楚楚。

    The earth with the darkest vegetation was clearly marked .

  28. 她清清楚楚地知道自己的归宿绝不会是那样。

    She knew very well what would happen to her .

  29. 他的真正内在动机在哪里,现在已经是清清楚楚了。

    It was all so plain about his true , underlying motive .

  30. 他把话说得清清楚楚使人不致于误会。

    He speaks so clearly as not to be misunderstood .