
  • 网络honest and upright;Clean and honest
  1. “正”所主张的“清正廉洁”是当代核心价值观的目标指向;

    " upright ", which proposes " clean and honest ", is the target of contemporary core values ;

  2. 坚持清正廉洁,反对以权谋私。

    Be honest and upright ; do not abuse power for personal gains .

  3. 政府须让人觉得是清正廉洁的。

    The government must be seen to be whiter than white .

  4. 他被视为清正廉洁的典范。

    He is seen as the mirror of honesty and uprightness .

  5. 清正廉洁与中国传统从政美德

    Honesty , Uprightness and Traditional Virtues of Chinese Officials

  6. 尽管他的同事不诚实,他依然没有腐败;清正廉洁的价值观念。

    Though his associates were dishonest , he remained uncorrupted ; uncorrupted values .

  7. 因此,必须对它进行控制。必须清正廉洁,艰苦奋斗;

    So we have to control it . we must keep away from corruption and work hard ;

  8. 在任期间的清正廉洁使他在人民心中声名永驻。

    Honesty and uprightness during his tenure of office gave him permanent fame in the minds of the people .

  9. 政府保持清正廉洁是构建和谐社会的重要因素。

    The maintenance of a government 's honesty and cleanness is an important factor for building the harmonious society .

  10. 高校干部的道德建设必须加强马克思主义教育与清正廉洁教育,增强高校干部的敬业精神与纪律观念,树立为人民服务的公仆意识。

    The moral construction must intensify Marxism and purity education , working spirit and discipline idea and sense of servant .

  11. 在人民的心目中,政府各级官员必须尽职尽责,清正廉洁、品德高尚。

    In the eyes of the people , government officials at all levels must be conscientious , honest and upright and moral character .

  12. 自古以来,清正廉洁成为判断官吏及其从政行为善恶的重要的、普遍的社会评价标准。

    Since ancient times , honesty and uprightness has become the common and important social criterion to tell good from evil of the officials and of their behavior .

  13. 我们当然希望我们的政府清正廉洁,为公民提供高质量的公共服务,尊重每一个人,让我们过上高标准和完整的公共生活。

    We also want our own countries to be beacons of good government , with high-quality public services , respect for citizens and with high standards of integrity in public life .

  14. 廉政专员最基本的职能是为了监督权力越来越大的行政部门的行政行为,维护政府部门公职人员的清正廉洁,保护公民的合法利益。

    The basic functions of the institution are supervising the administrative activities of the executive , maintaining governmental officials to be honest and upright , protecting the interests of individual citizens .

  15. 第二部分,具体分析了现代政府形象应包含的内容:清正廉洁、诚信服务、高效负责、公开公正。

    The second part , analyzes specifically the involving contents of modern government image , which includes purity and honesty , credit and service , responsibility and high efficiency , open and fairness .

  16. 第三,过渡政府应当由清正廉洁、才能出众的人员组成,以便继续提供各项基本服务,取代旧政权中已丧失公信力的各个机关。

    Third , there should be a caretaker government of highly qualified people of unquestionable integrity , to provide the continuation of basic services , replacing elements of the old regime that have lost credibility .

  17. 是啊,清正廉洁如一块珍宝,不管历史如何变迁,不管社会如何进步,清正廉洁永远是时代的旗帜,永远是纯朴的美德。

    Yes ah , be ethical , such as a treasure , no matter how history changes , no matter how society advances , honesty is always the flag of the times is always simple virtue .

  18. 公共伦理的价值基础是公共利益,价值目标是人的发展和社会的发展进步,公共伦理原则是全心全意为人民服务,公共伦理主要规范包括公平正义、清正廉洁、勤政为民和宽容诚信。

    The target of public ethic value is development of man and the society . Public ethic principle is serving the people wholeheartedly . The main public ethic norms consist of fair , honest , diligent and tolerant .

  19. 新世纪的高校教学管理干部应该具备以人为本的育人观念、国际化的管理理念、严谨求实的工作态度、终身学习的学习态度、清正廉洁的从政道德。

    In the new century , teaching management cadres should have the following qualities : education idea of " Pers-on-centred ", management ideology of internationalization , attitude of preciseness , idea of life-long study , politics moral of probity .

  20. 因此必须强化党政领导的公仆意识,树立正确的权力观,树立一切从人民的利益出发的观点,自觉接受群众监督,努力做到清正廉洁。

    So we have to strengthen the civil servant consciousness of leaders in party and government , build up a correct view of power and view of working for the public , accept the supervision consciously , and spare no effort on probity .

  21. 1997年修订刑法时,巨额财产来源不明罪被正式纳入刑法典。刑法设立这一犯罪的目的,是为了进一步严密法网,以便更有效地惩治腐败,保证国家工作人员公务活动的清正与廉洁。

    The crime of holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources was brought into the Criminal Law formally when amending the Criminal Law in 1997.The purpose of establishing the crime is to punish the corruption more effectively and ensure uprightness of the civil servants ' official activities .