
  • 网络archaeological culture
  1. 作为同一社会共同体共有生活方式的物化遗存,每一个考古文化都有一套可以与其他考古文化相区别的独特内涵。

    Since any social community has had its own ways of life and has left its own material remains , every archaeological culture differs from another archaeological culture in its unique connotation .

  2. 珠江三角洲新石器考古文化与古地理环境

    Neolithic culture and paleogeographic environment in the Zhujiang Delta

  3. 考古文化与某些古老的语言特征,在地理分布上的重合,能够更有力地证明古代文明的地域传播。

    The coincidence of both geographic distribution and language features can strongly confirm the existence of ancient civilization .

  4. 夏商周断代工程集中解决的是年代学问题,因此,当时讨论的考古文化只涉及河南、河北、山西、陕西和北京等地区,山东不在其列。

    The project of division of the history of the Xia , Shang and Zhou Dynasties focuses on chronological problems .

  5. 中国全新世暖期农业考古文化分区及人地关系特征

    Regional division of the agricultural culture in the Holocene warm period in China and the relationship of human and environment

  6. 把GIS技术应用到数字考古和文化遗址的保护中本研究得到陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目遗址GIS应用系统的研究与开发(编号:2009JM8008)的支持。

    This research is supported by Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shanxi " Research and Development of Sites GIS Application System "( ID : 60736008 ) .

  7. 长江三峡考古遗址文化断层研究

    Culture Interruptions of Archaeological Sites in the Three Gorges Region of the Yangtze River

  8. 然而在以往的研究中,它大多作为考古或文化研究的关联部分出现。

    Howerer , in the previous research it appeared as a cognate part of archaeological and cultural research .

  9. 业者应促进对当地历史、考古、文化及精神重要资产与区位的维护,并且不阻碍当地居民使用或接近该资产的权利。

    C.3.The business contributes to the protection of local historical , archeological , culturally , and spiritually important properties and sites , and does not impede access to them by local residents .

  10. 本文认为:1、湖北省一批重要的考古楚文化遗迹,具有很高的旅游观光价值,目前重在保护和宣传;

    The article holds that : firstly , there are a lot of important historic sites of CHU-Culture in hubei , and they have great tourism value , we should attach importance to protect and publicize them presently ;

  11. 《山海经》太阳鸟神话的考古印证及其文化内涵

    Archaeological Verification and Cultural Connotation on Solar Bird Myth in Shan Hai Jing

  12. 三峡考古与巴文化研究

    Archeology in the Three Gorges Area and the Study of Ba People 's Culture

  13. 从文献资料、考古材料、文化发展传承等角度进行论证,可见古代的乐官制度至迟形成于商代后期。

    The organizational system of MDO to work officially came no later than the late Shang Dynasty .

  14. 十年来秦始皇陵考古与秦文化研究评述

    Review of Archeological Discovery on Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Study of Qin Culture in the Last Ten years

  15. 长沙马王堆汉墓的发掘是20世纪中国考古界和文化界的大事。

    The excavation of Mawangdui Tomb of Changsha is one of the most significant events of the20th Century in both archeology and culture world .

  16. 有了人文选择这个概念,各族群的地理分布、亲缘关系、考古发现和文化变迁等一系列问题都能得到统一的解释。

    At the same time , we can use this concept in understanding the geographical distribution , archeological findings , the cultural changes of all nationalities and their relationships .

  17. 考古发现仰韶文化刻齿骨片当是上古契刻记事的遗留之一,但刻齿的含义也不得而知。

    Carved bones in jagged shape of Yangshao civilization are found to be relics of carving symbol for record in ancient times though the meaning of the carving is not clear .

  18. 属于或关于英国的汉诺威国王的。西汉南越国考古与汉文化国际学术研讨会纪要

    Of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England . A Summary of the " International Symposium on the Archaeology of the Nanyue State under the Western Han Dynasty and the Han Culture "

  19. 探讨长江下游地区考古时代的文化与环境之间的互动关系,着重就良渚文化兴衰过程进行分析,辨证认识文化强势期的文化扩散与环境恶劣期的文化迁徙之间的原因。

    To explore the interaction between culture and environment , especially to analyze the vicissitudes of " the Liangzhu culture ", in order to understand the dynamics of cultural diffusion and migration in different environments ;

  20. 最近,英国剑桥大学麦克唐纳研究所出版《古代的交互作用:欧亚大陆的东部与西部》文集,它集中展示了欧亚大陆的考古及东西文化交流的最新成果。

    One of the most important book concerning Eurasian archaeology and East-West cultural exchanges is Ancient Interactions : East and West in Eurasia , which has recently been published by the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research , University of Cambridge .

  21. 流传至今的古代画作具有珍贵的考古价值和文化价值,而且在长久保存过程中,自然环境(潮湿、高温、光照、灰尘)或人为保护不当造成古代书画出现不同程度的老化和褪色。

    The ancient paintings have precious archaeological and cultural value , but during long-term preservation , the natural environment ( humidity , temperature , light , dust ) or man-made improper protection of ancient paintings introduced varying degrees of aging and fading .

  22. 从考古发现谈晋文化在河南的传播

    On Jin Cultural Spread in Henan Based on Archaeological Discovery

  23. 从考古资料看仰韶文化的社会组织及社会发展阶段

    Social Organization and Social Development Stages of Yangshao Culture According to Archaeological Material

  24. 考古发现的红山文化遗址中所包含的文化遗存极具研究价值。

    The relic which was discovered in archaeological sites of Hongshan culture is worth researching .

  25. 从考古发现看唐宋文化对西夏的影响

    Influence of the Tang and Song Culture on the Western Xia View Through Archaeological Findings

  26. 遥感考古&探索人类文化遗产的新手段遥感与水利事业发展

    Remote Sensing and Development of Water Resources

  27. 从敦煌莫高窟北区石窟考古发现看古代文化交流

    The Archaeological Discoveries from The Northern Quarter Grottoes of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang and Cultural Exchanges in Ancient Time

  28. 另外,对2002年豫东考古调查及试掘的材料进行了整理,结合以往的豫东考古成果,笔者对豫东地区的考古文化序列及面貌进行了梳理和总结。

    Subsequently , the author analyzed the materials had been investigated and digged out in the Eastern Henan during 2002 . Based on it , the author combed and summarized the archaeological cultural order combined with the former accomplishments .