
yì zú
  • different race or nation;alien races;different surname;different nation or race
异族 [yì zú]
  • (1) [different surname]∶异姓,亦指异性之人

  • (2) [different nation or race]∶外民族;不同的种族

异族[yì zú]
  1. 这变化从安史之乱开始发动,发动这变化的是当时中国周边异族的影响与压力。又南宋的新儒学也有反文学反文化的倾向,结果支持这种中国文化的转变。

    Such changes began with the An shi mutiny and were related to the influence and pressure by the alien races living around the then china .

  2. 两千年来,异族通婚一直是犹太人的一大禁忌。

    For two millennia , exogamy was a major Transgression for jews .

  3. 然而,KangLee和他的同事发现,被试在观看本族和异族面孔时的扫描策略并不一样。

    However , Kang Lee and his colleagues found that the scanning strategies used for own-and other race faces were different .

  4. 采取事件相关电位方法研究东西方面孔记忆编码的差异(DM效应),从而阐明异族效应的神经机制。

    The difference of memory encoding on eastern and western faces ( DM effect ) and the neural mechanisms of other race effect were studied by using event-related potential ( ERP ) experiments .

  5. 这就是为什么我不和异族人约会。

    That 's why I AIRT never dated outside of my race .

  6. 马华小说的异族想象变迁

    The Change of Image of the Other in Chinese - Malaysian Novels

  7. 冲突的双方都指责对方有消灭异族的企图。

    Each side in the conflict accused the other of ethnic cleansing .

  8. 他有著异族通婚的父母,一半荷兰一半英国。

    He is of mixed parentage : half Dutch , half English .

  9. 约60年前,异族通婚还是违法的。

    Around 60 years ago , it was illegal to marry interracially .

  10. 你认为异族通婚,会有格格不入的问题吗?

    Do you think interracial marriages may have fish-out-of-water problems ?

  11. 八十年代以来泰华文学中的异族叙事

    Narrative of the other in Chinese - Thai Literature Since the 1980 's

  12. 假如有异族侵入,就像幽灵,就发出信号。

    To signal any alien presence in the city , like the wraith .

  13. 对于异族婚配的伴侣而言,爱是没有肤色之分的。

    For interracial couples , love knows no color .

  14. 对异族的仇恨团结了埃及人。

    Hatred of the foreigners had unified the Egyptians .

  15. 而传统封建观念和异族侵略又造成了中国人的怯懦。

    While the traditional feudal ideas and alien invasion had caused Chinese cowardice .

  16. 由于引入了超自然的“异族”,故事的基本设定变得更加复杂。

    The basic idea is made more complicated by supernatural " Others . "

  17. 卡玛拉:嗯,宗教信仰对异族伴侣来说是个大问题。

    Kamala : Well , religion is a very big problem for mixed couples .

  18. 现代人在他认为合适的时候用古代的或异族的装饰。

    Modern man uses the ornament of past and foreign cultures at his discretion .

  19. 在许多国家异族结婚曾经是非法的,从而导致私奔。

    In many states interracial marriage was once illegal , which led to elopements .

  20. 文化遭遇与异族想象:唐代文学中的天竺僧形象

    Culture Encounter and Alien Imagination : the Image of Indian Monks in Tang Literature

  21. 那个女人引起了异族警报。

    The woman set off an alien alarm .

  22. 异族婚姻自1970年起上升了7倍。

    Inter-racial marriages are up sevenfold since 1970 .

  23. 异族婚姻在美国西部各州更为普遍。

    Intermarriage is more common in Western states .

  24. 即使是现在,异族男女之间的婚姻仍然面临着重重阻碍,包括限制异族通婚的法律。

    Even now , mixed couples face many obstacles , including laws restricting interracial marriage .

  25. 异族、他者形象:战时中国文学的一种寻求

    The Images of Foreign Race and Otherness A Pursuit of Chinese Literature in War Time

  26. 目前已有几项采用眼动记录技术的面孔加工异族效应研究。

    There have been several recent studies on ORE that have used the eye-tracking methodology .

  27. 犹太人也就成为阿拉伯人征服的第一个异族。

    Thus Jew became the first " different race " to be conquered by Arab .

  28. 它的中心任务是反对异族压迫,争取民族的独立与自主;

    Its key mission is to fight against foreign oppression and struggle for national independence .

  29. 詹戈使用异族武器卡米诺剑镖杀死了赞姆。

    Jango had used an exotic weapon , a Kamino saberdart , to eliminate Zam .

  30. 不同练习阶段均有效减少或消除了异族效应。

    Different stages of effective practice to reduce or eliminate the race effect . 2 .