
cǎo chuàng
  • start;start to establish or found;start an enterprise;draw up
草创 [cǎo chuàng]
  • (1) [start an enterprise]∶开始创建;开始进行

  • 草创时期

  • (2) [draw up]∶起草

草创[cǎo chuàng]
  1. 现在,经历了草创阶段之后,MOOC在线学习平台的热潮已经感染了欧洲,成为大学机构和教育学者们节约教学成本、扩大生源范围的有效方式,也成为课程供应者的有利商机。

    Now , after a cautious start , MOOCs are catching on in Europe , too , as universities and educators look for ways to save on teaching costs and reach out to a wider student audience , and as providers sense commercial opportunities .

  2. 20世纪中国新诗的草创和发展,总与大学校园有着不解的联系。

    The Chinese Modern Poetry of 20th century has related to university campus from start to finish .

  3. 在草创阶段,他们的联盟所向披靡。

    In the formative years their alliance carried all before it .

  4. F.Candida于2001年草创了新的进化计算模型基因表达式编程(GeneExpressionProgramming)。

    In 2001 , F. Candida proposes a new Evolutionary Computation method named Gene Expression Programming ( GEP ) .

  5. 早在我国语法研究草创时期,NP的VP这种语言材料就引起一些语法学者的关注。但语法学界通常所说的NP的VP,其中VP多为一些名动词。

    In as early as the initial researching stage of Chinese grammar , some grammarians has paid much attention to the structure of NP de VP .

  6. 论诗文学派对草创期浪漫主义的超越&朝鲜现代文学流派研究

    On the Poem School Surmounting the Romanticism in Its Starting Period

  7. 三年前他们草创文学社。

    They started to establish the Literature Society three years ago .

  8. 我们力图首先草创一个汉语的语义范畴体系,在此基础上对工具范畴的认知特点、语义内涵和语法表现进行全面深入的研究。

    Firstly , we try to sketch a Chinese semantic category system .

  9. 美国最大的公司沃尔玛1962年才刚刚草创;

    America 's biggest company , Wal-Mart , was founded only in1962 ;

  10. 《国语学草创》与现代语言学

    The Foundation of Chinese National Language and Modern Linguistics

  11. 朱元璋草创时期对文官在军事上的任用

    The Appointment of Official in Military Affairs by Zhu Yuan-zhang Before the Ming Dynasty

  12. 第二部分论述尼克松&福特政府的对策,即石油安全战略的草创;

    Part two expounds response of Nixon administration ;

  13. 晚清时期是中国红十字会的草创与起步阶段。

    In the late Qing Dynasty is the Chinese Red Cross Foundation and the initial stage .

  14. 回到十九世纪的草创时期,摩门教徒被教导说要一夫多妻才可以上天堂。

    Back in19th century pioneer days , Mormons were told they would go to heaven if they were polygamous .

  15. 锥画漆器经过了战国时期的草创期,主要流行于西汉中期以前。

    Cone painting passed the threshold during the Warring States period , and populated in the middle of Western Han Dynasty .

  16. 而吕先生草创于40年代末,出版于1985年的《近代汉语指代词》,无论从内容看,还是从方法看,《指代词》都是汉语语法学的一个里程碑。

    Modern Chinese Denotative Pronouns , a book published in 1985 , is a milestone both from its content and its methodology .

  17. 因此,除非有破纪录的公司今年草创出来,不然D将不会有破纪录的新工作被创造出来。

    Therefore , unless a record number of companies start up this year , Derderia will not break its record for new jobs created .

  18. 本文将中国现代声学的发展历程分为四个阶段:草创时期、奠基时期、发展时期、创新时期。简述了马大猷在中国现代声学发展中所做出的主要贡献和他的学术成就。

    The main contributions to the development of modern Acoustics in China of Dah-You MAA and his academic achievements were presented in this paper .

  19. 二十多年来我国法律语言研究可分三个阶段:酝酿期、草创期、深化期。

    Of more than twenty years , the research of China Legal language can be divided into three stages : brewing , initial and the deeping .

  20. 《全宋词》徐氏小传因属草创,故较简略,且其中有一半是错误信息。

    The brief biography of Xu Anguo in Complete Collection of Song Ci Poetry was very sketchy , and half of the biography gave the wrong information .

  21. 技术学作为以技术为研究对象的一系列学科的统称,在19世纪进入草创时期。

    As a general designation for a series of disciplines taking technology as the research object , Technology Studies took the initial step in the 19th century .

  22. 理论研究经历了空白期、草创期、发展期、繁盛期、成熟期五个时期;

    Theoretical research goes through five stages , namely the blank stage , the initial stage , the development stage , the prosperity stage and the maturity stage .

  23. 本概念目前是朝向公共化的方向规划,且仍在草创阶段,仅沟通理念,绝对不签文件,也不收一块钱。

    The plan of this idea head toward popularization , still in beginning stage , no paper to sign , communicate idea only , and no charge at all .

  24. 伴随着晚清留学教育的发展,与之相应的留学制度也经过了草创、成型、发展与消亡等三个历史阶段。

    In the period of its development , the Study Abroad System of later Qing Dynasty evolved from foundation to formation , perfection and passed away in the end .

  25. 白话译诗引发了白话新诗的草创,宣扬了反抗封建礼教、尊重人的价值、个性与尊严的人文主义精神。

    Translated poems in the vernacular helped usher in the new poetry , advocate the struggle against the feudalist doctrines , and strove for human values , individuality and dignity .

  26. 渔政管理学有其特定的研究对象、研究范围和研究内容。作为一门刚处于草创阶段的新兴渔业管理学科,当前理论研究的主要任务是要建立起完整和谐的学科体系。

    The basic conditions of the generation and development , the research objects , the research range and the subject system of the Fishery Administration Management are studied in this paper .

  27. 徐志摩的译诗实践发生于新诗草创期和建设期,研究其诗歌翻译对于新诗规范建立所起的作用,具有重大意义。

    It is of great significance to investigate into Xu Zhimo 's poetry translating practice to find out how Xu 's poetry translation had contributed to the construction of new verse .

  28. 五四时期(1917-1927年)是包括新诗在内的中国新文学草创时期,更是中国诗歌脱胎换骨的时期。

    May 4th period ( 1917-1927 ) was the initial stage of Chinese new literature including Chinese new verse . It is in this period that Chinese poetry had undergone a thorough change .

  29. 五四时期是新诗的草创时期,是新诗的文体建设由自发向自觉转变的过渡期。

    The new poetry in the period of the May Fourth Movement is in its primary stage and it is the transitional period of the establishment of the style of the new poetry .

  30. 第一阶段即它的幼稚期(或称草创期),约在1985年前后,以马原、洪峰等为代表,是先锋小说初现端倪并进行初步形式探索的时期。

    The first stage was born about 1985 , Ma yuan , Hong feng was the representative . In the stage , pioneer novel came into being just now and made initial form exploration .