
  • 网络grassland tribe
  1. 主要景观有草原人家、草原古城、草原部落、草原集市、草原牧场、草原敖包、茶马客栈等。

    The major landscapes here are grassland family , grassland ancient city , grassland tribe , grassland market , grassland pasture , grassland Obo , Tea-Horse inn etc.

  2. 地处古来华夏族旱地农业文化与戎狄游牧族草原部落文化接合地带,是以为民族融合之会归及其多元文化;

    In ancient times , Chinese dry land agriculture and the nomadic culture of foreign nationalities met and merged here to form a culture of pluralism .

  3. 13世纪初,成吉思汗为统一蒙古高原,进行了一系列征服割据称雄的各草原部落的战争,其中阔亦田之战是著名的几大战役之一。

    In the early 13th century , in order to unify the Mongolian Plateau , Genghis Khan launched a series of battles to conquer all the Grassland tribes who rule their own region .

  4. 1206年,成吉思汗统一了生活在蒙古草原的部落。

    Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands in 1206 .

  5. 12世纪60年代,中亚大草原的部落长年征战不休。

    In the 1160s , the tribes of the Central Asian steppes were almost constantly at war with one another .

  6. 农业曾经遭到草原游牧部落的强烈抵制,但由于农业生活方式提供了物质上的舒适,它终于取得了压倒的优势。

    Agriculture met with violent resistance from the pastoral nomads , but the agricultural way of life prevailed in the end because of the physical comforts it provided .

  7. 当时蒙古草原上有许多部落,较大的有塔塔儿、克烈、乃蛮、汪古等部。

    At that time there were many tribes , of which the bigger ones were Tartar , Kelie , Naiman and Wanggu etc.

  8. 该成套设备以成批的订购和使用,使草原和山区升起部落的太阳。

    With group by group the ordering and uses of these complete sets of equipment makes the sun of grasslands and mountain area rise tribe .

  9. 东晋末年,在中国北方五胡十六国的战乱纷争中,一个草原上的游牧部落联盟鲜卑族拓跋部强势崛起,他们先是以内蒙古的盛乐为都城,建立代国。

    In the late East-jin Dynasty , in the wars and conflicts between sixteen kingdoms of five ethnic groups , called Xianbei Tuoba , rose abruptly with great strength .