
  1. 墙上一棵草,风吹两边倒。

    A tuft of grass atop the wall sways right and left in the wind .

  2. 草在风中起伏波动。

    The grass waved in the wind .

  3. 轻风向他们吹来,草在风中微微起伏作响。不会的,先生们,他总是一有风吹草动,老早就溜之大吉,脚板底下一向纤尘不染。

    A breeze was blowing toward them and the grass rippled gently in the wind . No , gentlemen ; he 'll always show ' em a clean pair of heels very early in the scuffle , and sneak away . '

  4. 草上之风,必偃。

    The grass must bend , when the wind blows across it .

  5. 在草上的风的运动中。

    In movement of the wind over grass .

  6. 她的头发又黑又亮,像大草原的草一样在风中飘动。

    Her hair was black and shiny , and it waved in the wind like the tall prairie grass .