
kàn kɑn
  • look at;take a look;pretty soon
看看 [kàn kàn]
  • (1) [examine;have a look]∶查看,细看,检查

  • 士兵,让我看看你的通行证

  • (2) [gradually]∶渐渐

  • 看看脚酸腿软

  • (3) [be about to]∶眼前,即将

  • 看看又还秋暮

  1. 让我们看看损失情况吧。

    Let 's take a look at the damage .

  2. 您不介意他们四处看看吧?

    You don 't mind if they take a look round , do you ?

  3. 你真该看看她发现事情真相时脸上的表情!

    You should have seen her face when she found out !

  4. 天哪!看看时间,我迟到了!

    Christ ! Look at the time ─ I 'm late !

  5. 转过身去让我看看你的后背。

    Turn around and let me look at your back .

  6. 你去看看孩子们在干什么好不好?

    Go and see what the kids are doing , will you ?

  7. 我打算不久后到姐姐家去看看。

    I 'm going around to my sister 's later .

  8. 咱们为什么不一起去看看呢?

    Why don 't we go and see it together ?

  9. 我们有一买主想看看这房产。

    We have a buyer who would like to view the property .

  10. 如果便中带血,你就应该找大夫看看。

    If you 're passing blood you ought to see a doctor .

  11. 你真该看看他们的房子有多大!

    You should have seen the size of their house !

  12. 你要是什么时候到了迈阿密,就来看看我们吧。

    If you 're ever in Miami , come and see us .

  13. 我抻了抻绳子看看是否牢固。

    I pulled on the rope to see if it was secure .

  14. 我听到一阵喧闹便去看看发生了什么事情。

    I heard a commotion and went to see what was happening .

  15. 把手伸进去看看水有多热。

    Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is .

  16. 我们的确应该马上去看看他们。

    We should really go and visit them soon .

  17. 看看时间吧,比我想象的要晚多了。

    Look at the time ─ it 's much later than I thought .

  18. 如有法国来的信,请拿给我看看。

    If there 's a letter from France please show it to me .

  19. 我们想亲眼看看它。

    We 'd like to see it for ourselves .

  20. 我倒要看看有谁在电影结尾时不哭。

    I defy anyone not to cry at the end of the film .

  21. 在难得清醒的时刻,她看看我,对我笑笑。

    In a rare lucid moment , she looked at me and smiled .

  22. 你应该把这婴儿带去看看医生。

    You should take the baby to the doctor 's.

  23. 我们得看看情况怎么样。

    We 'll have to see how it goes .

  24. 我认为你该去看看医生。

    I think you should go to the doctor 's.

  25. 去外边看看是否下雨了。

    Go outside and see if it 's raining .

  26. 到问讯处看看是否有人交来了你的包。

    Ask at enquiries to see if your bag has been handed in .

  27. 就把插头插上,看看会怎么样。

    Just plug it in and see what happens .

  28. 他在巴黎度过了五年,偶尔去意大利看看。

    He spent five years in Paris , with occasional visits to Italy .

  29. 看看他跳的舞!比弗雷德∙阿斯泰尔跳得还好。

    Look at him dance ! Eat your heart out , Fred Astaire .

  30. 看看这些是否有你喜欢的。

    See if any of these tickle your fancy .