
  • It looks beautiful;【电影】Little Red Flowers
  1. 在KellyJohnson的训练之下,我们狂热地坚信他的主张:一架看上去很美的飞机飞得也会同样的美。

    All of us had been trained by Kelly Johnson and believed fanatically in his insistence that an airplane that looked beautiful would fly the same way .

  2. 玫瑰都开的时候花园看上去很美。

    The garden looked beautiful with all the roses in flower .

  3. 世界上一些残忍滔天的行为都是看上去很美。

    Some of the most merciless behavior ever perpetrated looks very nice .

  4. 但是由于某些原因,赴约的另一位说你看上去很美。

    But for some reason your date says that you look great .

  5. 因为此刻你看上去很美。

    Because for the occasion that you are pretty .

  6. 草地、小溪和那片松树看上去很美。

    A meadow , a little brook , and those pine trees look fine .

  7. 假如你觉得这个行业“看上去很美”,请一定要三思。

    If it looks like an easy business to succeed in , think again .

  8. 现在有很多年纪大的模特仍然看上去很美啊。

    There are many older models who have older skin but still look beautiful .

  9. 那种新发式的确美化了你的仪表,它看上去很美。

    That new hair style really does something for you , it looks great .

  10. 不,卡伦只有五巩六英寸,她穿这件衣服看上去很美,不是吗?

    No. Karen is five six , and she looks wonderful , doesn 't she ?

  11. 你戴上这项链看上去很美。

    You look gorgeous in the necklace .

  12. 在青春焕发时期的16岁生日聚会上,她看上去很美。

    In the first bloom of youth , she looked beautiful at her sixteenth birthday party .

  13. 你可能会说,这些数字看上去很美,也符合逻辑,

    Now you may say that these numbers are fantastic , and it 's all logical ,

  14. 期权激励看上去很美

    Option derivatives encouragement looks perfect

  15. 看上去很美&从另类儿童的小红花情结反思儿童教育

    It Looks Beautiful & A Reflection on Child Education Through Unconventional Children 's Little Red Flower Complex

  16. 但是这条河看上去很美,令库特兹欲罢不能,而且他“心里觉得”驶入其中“没有错”。

    But the river looked beautiful , drawing him in deeper , and " inside it felt right " to launch into it .

  17. 嗯,不起作用吗?为什么不换另一个女生呢?她看上去很美。

    Jean : Hmm , didn 't work , eh ? Why don 't you try a different girl ? She looks nice .

  18. 追随潮流发型并没有问题,问题在于某些让别人看上去很美的发型在你身上却没有同样的效果。

    Its okay that you follow some trendy hairstyles but it does not mean if specific hairstyle looks good to others that the same effect would reflect on you .

  19. 而且政府出台的有些政策总是看上去很美,但是由于门槛过高或者限制条件较多,真正能享受起来的却不容易。

    And some policies introduced by the government always " looked beautiful ", but it is not easy to apply because the threshold is too high or more constraints .

  20. 看上去很美,到手后却是皱皱巴巴,没图片漂亮,很是失望,没有再次购物的欲望,甚至影响了消费者对于整个电子商务网站的态度。

    Looks beautiful , but after the hand is wrinkled , no picture beautiful , very disappointed , there is no desire to shop again , and even affect the consumer 's attitude to the whole e-commerce site .

  21. 我觉得你看上去还是很美。

    You still look pretty great to me .

  22. 呃首先她看上去一直很美

    Uh , one , she always looks great

  23. 但是,我们在创造某种东西的时候,为了让它从任何角度看上去都很美,我们花费了巨大的努力。

    But we work so hard in creating something - making it look wonderful from every angle .

  24. 这会让人很惊讶,但是他可能没有撒谎,他觉得你看上去真的很美。

    It may come as a surprise , but he is probably not lying and he really does think you look beautiful .