
  • 网络No More Applause;remix by eddie;NO ONE CHEERS;SSHHDD
  1. 麦金托什在20世纪早期即享誉全欧洲,但在他的家乡格拉斯哥(Glasgow),直到他于1928年逝世之后的很长一段时间内,其才华都无人喝彩。

    Mackintosh was acclaimed throughout Europe in the early 1900s , but his talent was little celebrated in his hometown of Glasgow until long after his death in 1928 .

  2. 而你过早地叫喊胜利,却可能孤独面对舞台,座下无人喝彩。

    And your too-early cheer for your so-called winning , however , may possibly lead you facing the stage lonely & nobody will applaud for you .