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  • 网络unlicensed
  1. 流动人口和CSW会首选私人诊所就医,他们不掌握区分有牌诊所和无牌诊所的技巧;

    The migrants and CSW ' first choose for health care facilities is the private clinics , but they cannot tell the licensed ones from unlicensed ones .

  2. 对无牌室内设计师的可怕威胁

    The terrible threat of unlicensed interior designers

  3. 对不起,jarod,我无牌可出了。

    I am sorry , jarod , I am out of cards to play .

  4. 注:根据观察发现经常有无牌小贩聚集的地方。

    Note : areas usually with conglomeration of illegal hawkers according to observation .

  5. 特遣队会继续加强执法行动,取缔非法屠房和无牌烧腊工场。

    The operations will continue to weed out illegal slaughtering and meat roasting activities .

  6. 不要光顾无牌食物档;

    Do not patronize illegal food hawkers ;

  7. 该条例就若干法定罪行,例如无牌经营放债业务,订定严厉的刑罚。

    The ordinance provides severe penalties for statutory offences such as carrying on an unlicensed money-lending business .

  8. 无牌管有枪械及弹药警察枪械库的记录管理

    Firearms , ammunition , weapons , police arms ; possession of firearms and ammunition without a licence

  9. 英国当时已是陷入绝境的债务国、无牌可出,所以凯恩斯输掉了那场争论。

    Britain was a desperate debtor with no cards to play , and Keynes lost that battle .

  10. 经过几天侦查,警方确定此屋为无牌电玩室。

    After several days of investigation , police determined that this house is an unlicensed game room .

  11. 上个月营业的Brandless承诺,只销售每件3美元(约合人民币20元)的“无牌”产品。

    Brandless launched last month with a promise to sell only " brand-free " products for just $ 3 an item .

  12. 近日,这个藏匿在闹市区的无牌“电玩室”被黄圃警方成功捣毁。

    Recently , the hiding in the downtown area of the unlicensed " game room " Police have been destroyed , Huangpu .

  13. 胡德在本周出庭,被指控在感化期驾驶,无牌驾驶和逃避逮捕。

    Hood appeared in court this week and was charged with driving under the influence , driving while disqualified , and evading arrest .

  14. 他的风格表达了不想引起注意的愿望——暗色、无牌的上衣、飞行员夹克、军靴。

    His style expresses nothing other than a desire to remain invisible - dark , anonymous tops , bomber jackets , military boots .

  15. 为打击幽灵移民顾问(即无牌移民顾问),魁省政府将同时要求所有的移民申请人必须其在移民申请中申报所聘雇的顾问姓名。

    To track down " phantom consultants ," the government will also require all immigrants to divulge the name of any immigration consultant they hire .

  16. 总共使用了三个版本的照片,除了T恤衫上的品牌商标(奢侈品、普通品牌、无牌)不同之外,其他均相同。

    Three versions of the picture were used , identical except for the shirt 's visible brand logo ( luxury , non-luxury , or none ) .

  17. 为了做这项研究,他们测试了几种方案,观察人们对着名牌、着普通品牌和着无牌服饰的人的反应。

    To do so , they tested several scenarios of someone wearing a luxury brand logo , a logo from a non-luxury brand , or no logo .

  18. 目前上海自行车总量趋于饱和,无牌无证现象较严重,交通违法居高不下,给交通安全带来隐患,影响城市的文明形象。

    At present , the total of bicycle and treadmill is saturated and the unlawful practice of traffic is serious so that it has destroyed the civilization of city .

  19. 今天的政治家却提供了一张更体面的菜单:免于无牌理发师的自由,免于无牌插花师的自由,更重要的是,免于无牌室内设计师的自由。

    Today 's politicians offer a far more generous menu : freedom from unlicensed hair-cutters , freedom from cowboy flower-arrangers and , most important of all , freedom from rogue interior designers .

  20. 中国媒体曾报道,这部法规将打击可能窃取用户私人信息、通过发送短信产生费用的恶意软件。这类软件在中国价格便宜的无牌智能手机上相当常见。

    Chinese media have reported that the regulation would target malicious software ─ common on cheap , unbranded smartphones in China-that can steal users ' personal information and incur charges by sending text messages .

  21. 之后,他们在5个范围内选择她的时薪,超过一半的奢侈品观察者选择了最高的两种时薪,而普通品牌观察者选择最高时薪的只有12%,无牌观察者只有10%做出了同样的选择。

    Asked to choose her hourly pay from five ranges , over half of luxury observers chose one of the top two ranges - far greater than the 12 % of non-luxury observers and 10 % of no-logo observers who did the same .

  22. 可选择的牌必须是左右边未被封锁和无其他牌覆盖的牌。

    To choose the license must be a side not about the blockade and no other licenses covered by licensing .

  23. 威斯布鲁克最著名的是一副大红色无镜片Retrosuperfuture牌眼镜,与雷朋(Ray-Ban)经典的徒步旅行者(Wayfarer)系列很相似。他的队友说他第一次秀这款眼镜是在常规赛期间的一次大巴旅途中。

    His teammates say Mr. Westbrook first showed off his most famous pair - the fire-engine red , lensless Retrosuperfuture frames that resemble Ray-Ban 's iconic Wayfarers - on a bus trip during the regular season .

  24. 基于GPS的高精度无误差倒计时牌的设计

    Design of high-precision and error-free timing plate based on GPS

  25. 他手中无一张好牌!

    He didn 't hold a card !

  26. 我们无需指定发牌限制或特殊规则,但是您可能会发现这些是非常有益的个人经验。

    We won 't bother putting in draw limits or house rules , though you may find that a rewarding personal exercise .