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  1. 进境番荔枝种苗根腐病的鉴定与处理

    Identification and treatment of root rot of import seedling of Annona squamosa

  2. 毒番石榴是一种形状像橘子的圆形水果,产自于墨西哥和加勒比。

    The manchineel is a round fruit about the size of a tangerine native to Mexico and the Caribbean .

  3. 利用扫描电镜、叶表皮离析法和石蜡切片法研究了番荔枝科93种2变种植物叶片的形态结构。

    The leaf form and structure of93 species and2 varieties of Annonaceae were comparatively studied with the help of scanning electron microscope , epidermal maceration and paraffin section method .

  4. 它为何有益健康:番石榴富含一种能抗前列腺癌的番茄红素,而且含量比其他任何食物都要高,包括西红柿和西瓜。

    Why it 's healthy : Guava has a higher concentration of lycopene an antioxidant that fights prostate cancer than any other plant food , including tomatoes and watermelon .

  5. 根据近几年对广州地区番石榴病害调查,初步鉴定出番石榴病害13种;真菌病害12种,藻类病害1种。

    Thirteen diseases including twelve fungal diseases and one algal disease on guava have been identified recently .