首页 / 词典 / good


quē mén
  • gap;gap(in a branch of learning etc.)
缺门 [quē mén]
  • [gap(in a branch of learning etc.)] 空缺的门类

  • 填补工业中的一个缺门

缺门[quē mén]
  1. 这本书填补了词典学方面的重大缺门儿。

    This book fills a major gap in lexicography .

  2. Brody——Woodstown,N.J.的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多——回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。

    Brody - a lithe , slender Woodstown , N.J. , bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her 47 years - recalls the time she was being " entertained " by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth .

  3. 缺门的一手牌中没有某一种花色的。

    Lacking cards of a particular suit in a dealt hand .

  4. 膨润土矿尚属本省缺门矿种。

    Bentonite ore is a lack mineral in Guizhou .

  5. 的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多&回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。

    J. , bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her47 years & recalls the time she was being " entertained " by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth .