
  • 网络The Man WHO Wasn't There;The man who was not there;The Man Who Wasnt There
  1. 调查一个缺席的人也是不公平的。

    Neither is convicting a man in absentia for a sloppy investigation .

  2. 你应该把那些缺席的人名字划掉。

    You should cross the names of those who are not present .

  3. 不经允许就从学校缺席的人。

    One who is absent from school without permission .

  4. 那些很乐意利用你缺席的人。

    and those who would be very glad to take advantage of your absence .

  5. 调查最后缩小到那天下午缺席的人身上。

    The investigation was finally narrowed down to those who were absent that afternoon .

  6. 出席的人比缺席的人多。

    More were present than absent .

  7. 缺席的人是如此之多,我们只好把会期推到下周。

    With so many people being absent , we had to put off the meeting till next week .

  8. 我打印了一些讲座的笔记,上周缺席的人会因此获益。

    I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week .

  9. 对缺席或者虚构的人讲话。

    Address to an absent or imaginary person .

  10. 归来的旅行者,回校重读生:长期缺席后回到学校的人;旅行回来的人。

    One who returns , as from a journey or to school after a long absence .