
  • 网络Defects;Defect Management;BUG;Bugzilla;DRT-DM
  1. RationalClearQuest工具集提供了基于工作流程,支持网络的项目生命周期缺陷管理和追踪手段。

    The Rational ClearQuest toolset provides workflow-based , web-enabled project lifecycle defect management and tracking .

  2. WIDS:一个基于CMM模型的软件缺陷管理系统

    WIDS : A Software Defect Management System Based on CMM

  3. 用PB实现火力发电厂的设备缺陷管理

    The Accomplishing Management System of Equipment Drawback in factory using PB

  4. 基于Struts和Hibernate的缺陷管理及度量系统

    Bug management and measurement system based on struts and Hibernate

  5. 这里显示的缺陷管理进程,需要在ClearQuest外面进行记录。

    The defect management process shown here needs to be documented outside of ClearQuest .

  6. 医院缺陷管理KPI的制订及其应用

    Establishing and implementing of KPI about hospital defect administration

  7. 电信网络缺陷管理系统(NetworkFaultManagementSystem,简称NFMS),主要负责监控和管理电信网中各种通信设备的故障情况,是运营支撑系统的重要组成部分。

    Network Fault Management System ( NFMS ), as an important component of OSS , mainly take responsible for the monitor and manage the fault situation of the different telecom equipment .

  8. 缺陷管理是可能受益于mashup应用程序的众多有趣用例之一。

    Defect management is one of many interesting use cases that would benefit from mashup applications .

  9. 我在这个列表中忽略了常规的测试和缺陷管理工具,如RationalTestManager和RationalClearQuest等,因为此类常规工具用于同时支持功能和非功能测试。

    I omitted regular test-and defect-management tools , like Rational Test Manager and Rational ClearQuest , from this list because they 're used to support both functional and nonfunctional tests .

  10. 虽然UCM有很多好处,比如版本管理和缺陷管理,但我们在Web应用上发现了不足之处。

    While UCM has many important benefits , such as version management and defect management , we have found Web application deployments to be inefficient .

  11. 通过ClearQuest,缺陷管理人员将这个缺陷分配给一个应用软件开发者作进一步分析。

    Via ClearQuest , the defect manager then assigns the defect to an application developer for further analysis .

  12. 大多数缺陷管理工具提供XML或ATOMfeed格式的报告,可以构建mashup应用程序,它们以缺陷跟踪指示板的方式使用这些feed。

    Most defect management tools provide reports in XML or ATOM feed format , and we can build mashup applications that serve as a defect tracking dashboard using these feeds .

  13. 基于ODC的软件缺陷管理系统研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Defect Management System Based on Orthogonal Defect Classification

  14. 文章在总结现有缺陷管理系统的优势以及不足的基础上,提出了与VS开发环境集成的缺陷管理系统。

    The article sums up the advantage and disadvantage of existing defect management systems , and proposes the defect management system that integrated with VS development environment .

  15. 定义描述MES功能模型,在品质管理中的缺陷管理引入专家系统处理方法。

    Define and describe MES functional model , the expert system is used to implement the module of defect management , which is part of quality management . 5 .

  16. 以日立公司在库管理软件为实例项目,分析了现有自动化测试原理方法和局限性,并针对局限性设计出一种基于LoadRunner自动测试技术和缺陷管理技术结合的构架模型。

    To against former these limitations , we had proposed a new framework model which is combined the technology of Load Runner automated testing and Bug management , based on analyzed the limitations of automated testing methods and principles .

  17. 结合国库信息处理系统项目,详细阐述了在测试生命周期中如何进行缺陷管理和跟踪,如何尽快发现并解决bug,如何应对突如其来的变更。

    Combine the Treasury Information Process System , it set forth how to actualize bug management and track during testing life cycle , how to find and solve bugs as soon as possible , how to deal with the alteration arise suddenly .

  18. 给出了PSP的定义,介绍了PSP的设计原则、过程结构、进化框架,重点论述了PSP的实施内容,并且分析了PSP方法,包括:数据采集、估算和规划以及缺陷管理等。

    It gives the definition of software process and personal software process , introduces the PSP framework and the baseline process , and then analyzes the PSP methods about data gathering , size and resource , estimating , and defect management .

  19. 其次,在MES的品质管理中的缺陷管理模块引入专家系统,改善目前纯手工作业中对操作人员训练难度大、操作人员容易误判、客户投诉持续偏高的问题。

    Secondly , expert system is introduced in the module of defect management during the MES quality management process , for resolving problem , which is the personnel training difficulty in the pure manual operation , the operator easy to misjudge and the sustained customer complaints .

  20. 上述这些因素使得软件质量保证(SQA)以及缺陷管理开始受到业界越来越多的关注和重视,缺陷管理水平的高低已经成为SQA实施效果的一个重要评价标准。

    SQA ( software quality assurance ) and defects management has been paid more attention for the above-mentioned , the result of defects management has been to be considered as one of the most important measurement target for SQA implementation attainment .

  21. 依据SPIM和软件过程度量数据模型,针对在某软件公司的实际项目中采集的8个项目的相关数据,在需求管理、缺陷管理等多方面的数据进行了度量和分析。

    According to SPIM and the data model of software process measurement , this thesis analyzes the requirement management , defects management and other data which focused on 8 projects among all the collected projects in a software company .

  22. 电厂设备缺陷管理系统的开发设备管理的创新

    Development of Network System for Managing Device Faults in Power Plant

  23. 微机闭环缺陷管理系统在水电厂的应用

    Application of PC Closed-Loop Device Defect Management System in Hydropower Plant

  24. 基于软件开发过程的软件缺陷管理研究

    The Study On Software Defects Management Based on Software Development Process

  25. 自主开发智能化设备巡检管理系统中的电力设备缺陷管理子系统。

    Independently develop the defect management subsystem in equipment patrol management system .

  26. 医疗质量零缺陷管理与病历质量管理

    Management on the Zero Defect of Medical Quality and Case History Quality

  27. 软件缺陷管理技术在测控系统软件中的应用实践

    Application of Software Defects Management in TT & C System

  28. 然而,下面的场景将集中在缺陷管理上。

    The following scenario , however , will concentrate on defect management .

  29. 可以在故事,缺陷管理,任务等等卡片上使用。

    For use them on stories , defects , tasks etc.

  30. 本文认为加强软件缺陷管理是改进软件过程及提高软件项目质量管理水平的最好切入点。

    Defect management is the key point of process improvement .