
  1. 局部优势策略与中小型工程机械制造商

    Partial advantage tactics and me - dium & small-scale construction machinery manufacturer

  2. 小型工程机械液压件变频控制试验台研制

    Test-bed for Hydraulic Parts of Mini Construction Machinery with Frequency Conversion Controlling

  3. 小型工程机械产品的十大营销困惑

    Ten marketing confusion of small constructiOn machinery products

  4. 滑移式装载机是一种实用、高效、多功能小型工程机械。

    Sliding type loaders is a practical and efficient , multi-function small engineering machinery .

  5. 座骑式割草机属于单人驾驶小型工程机械。

    Riding mower is a kind of miniature machine , which can be driven by one person .

  6. 在中小型工程机械,特别是小功率的装载机、叉车等工程机械上得到广泛使用。

    It is specially suitable for middle-and small-sized construction machineries , such as loaders , forklift trucks .

  7. 近年来国际上小型工程机械发展迅猛,我国对装备制造业提出自主创新的要求,为小型工程机械的技术创新与结构优化提供了较好的契机。

    In recent years , the small construction machinery develops rapidly in the world . The innovation of the equipment manufacturing was put forward in China .

  8. 要实现包括小挖在内的小型工程机械配套件的全面发展,实现其静压传动是一个重要环节。

    To achieve including small digging small construction machinery , including the comprehensive development of component parts , to achieve its hydrostatic transmission is an important part .

  9. 除此之外,升缩臂叉车、滑移转向装载机、“两头忙”等小型工程机械市场也都在培育过程中,将有较大发展。

    In addition or reduction arm forklift , skid steer loader ," backhoe " and other small construction machinery market in nurturing the process , will have greater development .

  10. 滑移装载机是一种实用性很强的小型工程机械,由于作业效率高、机动性能好、功能多样化而广泛地应用于各行各业。

    The skid steer loader is a very practical small-scale engineering machinery , high efficiency , good mobility , and functional diversification is widely used in all walks of life .

  11. 使中小型的工程机械销售代理公司能够在短时间内快速有效的实施多租户架构的客户关系管理(CRM)系统。

    It makes these sales agencies carry out the Multi-tenant architecture Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) system quickly and effectively in a short time .

  12. 随着国内大型基础设施建设告一个段落,各种维护工程,小型工程项目将陆续登场,小型工程机械需求量必然上升。

    With domestic large infrastructure construction against a paragraph , various maintenance engineering , small projects will have to come on stage , small engineering machinery demand inevitable rise .

  13. 伸缩臂叉装车是传统叉车、轮式装载机、高空作业平台和小型汽车起重机有机结合而形成的一类新兴产品,并逐步成为农业、建筑、厂房建设等领域不可或缺的小型工程机械。

    Telescopic handler is a new product combined with traditional trucks , wheel loader , aerial work platform and small truck cranes . It is indispensable to the agriculture , architecture and other projects .