
  • Peter Pan;Kobe Bryant;McFly
  1. 在一个360度的CGI在旧金山市中心的剧院,22投也加入了表演与获奖的创意团队,以期对小飞侠独特的生产。

    Inside a360-degree CGI theater in downtown San Francisco , a cast of22 performers have joined up with an award-winning creative team to stage a unique production of Peter Pan .

  2. 巴里及其不朽创作〈小飞侠〉。

    M.Barrie and his immortal creation , Peter Pan .

  3. 小飞侠科比布莱恩特成为NBA最新的大大的永恒宣传片的焦点。

    Kobe Bryant is the focus of the NBA 's latest Forever Is Big spot .

  4. 小飞侠-回到梦不落帝国小球又落回到地板上。

    Peter Pan Return to Neverland The small ball dropped back to the floor .

  5. 你是怎样被授权写《小飞侠彼得潘》的续集的?

    Q : How were you selected to write the first-ever authorized sequel to Peter Pan ?

  6. 于1911年出版的小说《小飞侠彼特潘》是由作者巴利的舞台剧演化而来的。

    Peter Pan evolved as a novel , published in 1911 , from Barrie 's stage play .

  7. 不过,我会添加一个头盔,使像小飞侠的新版本。

    But I will add an helmet , to make it like a new version of Gatchaman .

  8. 我相信有永不言败的小飞侠,湖人队将赢取冠军。

    I believe the Lakers will win the championship , and solely because of the Peter Pan .

  9. 我相信科比能够做到,因为他是无所不能,永不言败的小飞侠。

    I believe that Kobe can do , because he is omnipotent , solely of Peter Pan .

  10. 我们不能否认,《小飞侠》的故事给我们带来了如此之多的惊喜和感动。

    It can 't be denied that the story Peter Pan gives us so much surprise and touch .

  11. 巴里于是把舞台搬到了西尔维娅家,并且给病重的西尔维娅演了一遍小飞侠的故事。

    Barrie then moved the stage to the Sylvia house , and presented the play to the seriously-ill Sylvia .

  12. 据悉之前从事舞蹈工作的瓦妮莎提出离婚申请,主要是厌烦了小飞侠的种种不忠行为。

    The former dancer was apparently fed up after Kobe allegedly cheated on her multiple times with other women .

  13. 温蒂这个名字是小飞侠彼得潘的作者杜撰出来的,在此之前从没出现过这个名字。

    The name Wendy was made up for the book Peter Pan , there was never a recorded Wendy before .

  14. 梦幻岛的永恒魅力&从《小飞侠彼得·潘》到《重返梦幻岛》

    The Eternal Charm of Dreaming Island & From " Little Swordsman Peter Pan " to " Back to Dreaming Island ";

  15. 他们更养有狗只作为看护。小飞侠就在此时叩响他们的窗户,取回自己被切断的影子。

    This is the situation when Peter Pan comes knocking on their window to retrieve his shadow which was cut off in their room .

  16. 写这篇文章是想推荐这部影片给你也是想要向《小飞侠》的作者那个天才詹姆斯·巴里致以我的敬意。

    And I wrote this article to recommend this film to you and to show my high respect to the author and genius J.M.Barrie .

  17. 现在每年,我们都一起登台表演,如小飞侠,胡桃夹子,灰姑娘,和爱丽丝奇遇记等经典节目。

    Now every year , we perform to the public such classic shows as Peter Pan , Nutcracker , Cinderella , and Alice in Wonderland , to name just a few .

  18. 谢洛美森柏特饰演的小飞侠略为美国化,他的迷人与傻气结合,令人分辨不到他是天真抑或是控制一切。

    Jeremy Sumpter , a touch too American to be the perfect Peter Pan , combines natural charm with a smirk that makes you wonder who innocent he is and how manipulating he is .

  19. 出于这个原因,我们怀有梦想,想象着自己以后会变成的模样,噢,我想问问你,你是个小飞侠吗?

    That 's why , we dream of all our hope and our dreams , of all we 'll ever be , oh I 'm asking you , like me , are you Peter Pan too ?

  20. 我看电视里正在放一个特别版本的《小飞侠彼得潘》,由凯特·史密斯【4】主演,当他们想让她飞起来时遇到了麻烦,你知道,因为吊她的链条老是断。

    I 'm watching a special version of Peter Pan on television , starring Kate Smith , and they are having trouble flying her , because the chains keep breaking all the time , you know .

  21. 假如我是小飞侠,我会在夜晚,吹开每个小朋友的窗户,领着他到梦幻岛去玩。

    If I were the magic flying Peter Pan , I would open the windows of every child 's room in the night and lead them to play in the Neverland , There would be no endless homework ;

  22. 多年来,迈克尔·杰克逊都住在位于美国加州圣巴巴拉县一所斥巨资打造的梦幻庄园里,他根据《小飞侠彼得潘》中令人向往的小岛“梦幻岛”来命名这个庄园,这里也是人们得以亲近他的所在之地。

    For many years , Michael Jackson lived on an expansive property known as Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara County . He named the property after the famous story of Peter Pan , which is how many people saw the entertainer .