
  1. 研发人员甚至还开发了专用于小众群体——如遵循“家庭纯洁”宗教准则的正统派犹太教妇女——的app,并声称这些产品得到了“拉比的批准”。

    Specialized apps have even been developed for niche groups like Orthodox Jewish women who adhere to religious family purity laws . The apps say they are " rabbinically approved . "

  2. 这一小众群体处理现金的方式和我们有别,也让他们始终有盈余。

    How this rarified group uses their cash differentiates them from the rest of us - and keeps them in the black 。

  3. 机电事务所是我国事务所经营模式中的小众群体,只在近几年刚刚出现在设计市场上,数量远远不及建筑事务所。

    Mechanical and electrical firm is a small minority groups in the firm mode , only just in the design on the market in recent years , far less than the number of architectural firms .

  4. 如此一来,这些工厂填补了市场的一个重要的结构性空白,使企业家可以以较小的投资,推出某些面向较小众消费群体的新产品。

    By filling low-volume orders , these factories have filled an important structural hole in the market : they allow entrepreneurs to launch new products for small consumer groups with little investment .