
  • 网络strategic communication
  1. 国际战略传播学会创始人。

    Founder of World Society for Strategic Communication .

  2. 9·11后美国中东战略传播管理研究危急事件中对传播的管理以及传播策略

    On US Strategic Communication Management in the Middle East after " 9 · 11 "; The Management and Policies of Propagation in Complex Emergencies

  3. 英国旅游局战略传播总监PatriciaYates表示:“英国将继续吸引着来自世界各地的游客。而且,商务旅游的增加也反映了人们不仅把英国作为一个旅游地,也认为英国是个做生意的好地方。”

    Patricia Yates , Director of Strategy and Communications at Visit Britain said : " The UK continues to be a draw to all visitors and the increase in business visits reflects the return to the UK as a place to come and do business . "

  4. 坚持科教兴国战略传播先进科学文化

    Upholding the strategy of strengthening our country by science and education and spreading scientific knowledge

  5. 分析什么是需要的,什么将您的公司工作的一个重要组成部分的战略传播过程。

    Analyzing what is needed by and what will work for your company is an important part of the strategic communications process .

  6. 公共关系作为企业与内外部环境相互协调的有效手段,在理论和实践上,都与企业战略传播有着密切的关联。

    As an effective internal and external communication tool by corporation , the public relations is closely related with the communication of corporate strategy either theoretically or practically .

  7. 并根据公共关系的性质和动机划分,以沟通管理、形象管理和关系管理的运作方式构筑企业战略传播运作模式。

    According to different natures and objectives of public relations , the modes of corporate strategic communication are divided into three perspectives , the management of communication , the management of image , and the management of relations .

  8. 机构交流和宣传新战略战略性传播规划小组

    New Corporate Communication and Advocacy Strategy Strategic Communications Planning Group

  9. 主办国利用奥运会相对集中的全球注意力资源实施全球形象战略,传播本国文化。

    The hosting countries can utilize the Olympic Games to set up their global images and to promote the local cultures .

  10. 营销传播管理者是执行整合营销传播(IMC)战略的企业传播新主体,是集经营管理、营销和传播职能为一体的新职位,企业IMC战略的竞争实际上是营销传播管理者素质的竞争。

    Marketing communication manager ( Marcom Manager ), who integrates the business management , marketing and communication , is the new executor of corporate communication in integrated marketing communication ( IMC ) strategy . The competition of the enterprise ' IMC strategy is the competition of Marcom manager 's quality .

  11. 企业内部的战略信息资源传播

    Communication of Strategic Information Resources in Enterprises

  12. 我们现在看到有证据表明,大规模预防性化学疗法战略可以阻断传播。

    We are now seeing evidence that the strategy of mass preventive chemotherapy can interrupt transmission .

  13. 因此,我们需要制定战略应对这种传播式的威胁,这一战略必须能够在不派遣军队、避免战线过长、避免引发当地不满情绪的前提下扩大我们的影响力。

    So we have to develop a strategy that matches this diffuse threat , one that expands our reach without sending forces that stretch our military too thin or stir up local resentments .

  14. 本文作者审视企业形象战略在中国传播的这种现象时常常想到一个问题,是什么原因导致企业形象战略在中国的传播表现为由冷而热,由热而冷?

    The author of this thesis could not ponder over the reasons behind the cycling of the strategy shifting from cold to hot , and then from hot to cold , but examined its spread in China .

  15. 本文采用理论研究和案例分析相结合的方法,应用整合营销传播理论,对商务印书馆这一著名出版社进行案例研究,探讨用IMC战略重构商务印书馆营销传播体系的必要性和可行性。

    This thesis will conduct a case study of the famous Chinese publisher-the Commercial Press and explore the necessity and feasibility of restructuring its marketing communication system with IMC ( Integrated Marketing Communication ) strategies .