
  • 网络mobile media;APP;;
  1. 首先是现在已经进入到信息时代,3G手机媒体的产生有其一定必然性。

    The first is now in the information age , 3G mobile media production has certain inevitability .

  2. 进入3G时代的手机媒体已经成为社会公众获取信息的重要渠道(业界称之为第五媒体),手机媒体使用何种画面视觉形式直接影响传播效果。

    3G era enter mobile media has become an important social public access to information channel ( called as fifth media ), what use mobile media image visual form directly influence the communication effect .

  3. 手机媒体的未来必定是一种集多种媒体于一身的、以大众传播功能为主的名副其实的“富媒体”(RichMedia)。

    The future of the handset media is doomed to be a genuine " rich media " which including multiple medias and taking the mass communication as the main function .

  4. 此举意义重大,许多人认为这标志着我国正式进入3G时代。3G时代,手机媒体将是最重要的媒体之一。

    Many people believe that it marks that China formally enters the 3G era , during which the mobile phone media is to be one of the most important media types .

  5. 比网络媒体诞生时间更短的新媒体&手机媒体、IPTV与移动电视的发展态势也不容小觑,市场占有率和受众规模都呈几何倍数增长。

    Network Media birth time than shorter new media - mobile phone media , IPTV and mobile TV , but also show a long trend of the wind .

  6. 接着研究了我国手机媒体政府信息公开的发展模式,提出了以移动政府网站为基础、政府短信平台为主体,同时融合CRM理念及系统的发展模式。

    After that , this research establishes a pattern of the development of the government information publicity based on mobile media . The pattern includes mobile websites ; short message service center and the system of customer relationship management .

  7. 然而可以预见,随着3G在中国的逐渐普及以及相关法规的完善,手机媒体将实现网络化、宽带化,将带来一个巨大的媒体市场。

    It can be anticipated that , with the popularization of 3G technology and the improvement of related laws and regulations , mobile media will surely enter an era of network and broadband , hence bring about a huge media market .

  8. 面对移动互联网和3G手机媒体崛起的大势,无论是媒体界,还是3G应用开发业、通信运营商、政府机构、以及使用主体的手机客户都已经显现出不同程度的响应和参与。

    In face of the booming mobile internet and 3G cell phone media , the news media , 3G application development industry , communication operators , government agencies and the main users-cell phone clients-have all manifested certain levels of responses and involvement .

  9. 从未来发展来看,手机媒体的发展趋势是3G化、多媒体化、娱乐化以及在社会中广泛应用等,但同时手机媒体在发展的过程中还需要克服许多的障碍。

    From the development of future , the development trend of the mobile phone media is 3G , multimedia , amusing , etc. but the mobile phone media needs to overcome a lot of obstacles in the course of development at the same time .

  10. 就表现形态来看,数字艺术产业主要有七种形式,即:互联网艺术产业、手机媒体艺术产业、数字电影产业、动漫产业、数字电视产业、游戏产业、DV艺术产业。

    Seen from its representational condition , digital art industry mainly can be divided into seven kinds , namely , internet art industry , mobile media art industry , digital film industry , animation and comic industry , digital television industry , game industry , DV art industry .

  11. 本文系统地论述了手机媒体的发展历程及其现状,参考了日本手机出版的I-MODE模式,希望为当前手机出版的发展提供一些借鉴。

    This paper systematically discusses the developmental course and present situation of mobile media with reference to the I-MODE mode in Japanese Mobile Publishing , which hopes to provide some references for the current development of Mobile Publishing .

  12. 分析了日本I-MODE取得巨大成功的原因和不足之处,指出无论是从技术上还是从企业模式上,手机媒体在中国的发展都不可能直接拷贝I-MODE模式,只能以I-MODE为借鉴。

    By analyzing the reasons for the great success achieved by Japanese I-MODE and its drawbacks , this paper claims that I-MODE can not be copied but referred by Chinese mobile media whether it is concerned with technology or enterprise mode .

  13. 手机媒体发布政府信息的工具性作用分析

    On the Instrumental Role of Mobile Media in Government Information Issuing

  14. 手机媒体的现状及发展研究

    The Research on Present Condition and Development of Mobile Telephone Media

  15. 手机媒体时代大学生思想政治教育的探索

    Exploration on ideological and political education in mobile phone media era

  16. 手机媒体将成为新兴的大众传播媒体形式。

    The handset media will become the emerging mass media form .

  17. 手机媒体发展的问题与对策

    An Analysis on Development of Mobile Phone Media Issues and Solutions

  18. 试论手机媒体对新闻传播活动的影响

    The Influence Resulted From the Mobile Phone to the News Dissemination

  19. 手机媒体给媒体市场带来了翻天覆地的变化。

    Mobile media has brought enormous changes to media market .

  20. 手机媒体大众传播功能探析

    Research of the Mass Communication Functions of the Handset Media

  21. 碎片化背景下的手机媒体广告运作模式探究

    Study on Models of Mobile Media Advertising within Fragmentation Environment

  22. 中国手机媒体发展前景分析

    A Study on the Future Development of Mobile Media

  23. 浅谈手机媒体在政府信息发布中的作用

    Analysis on the Effect of Mobile Media on Releasing Information by the Government

  24. 手机媒体的现状与前景

    The Current and Future Development of Mobile Media

  25. 关于手机媒体若干问题的研究

    Research on Several Issues of Mobile Phone Media

  26. 手机媒体是借助手机进行信息传播的新型传播媒介。

    The mobile phone media is a new intermediary which carries out information propagation through mobile phones .

  27. 移动互联网在手机媒体的带动下也在不断发展。

    The development of mobile media has also supported the mobile Internet with more users and applications .

  28. 手机媒体的传播学思考

    An Analysis on Mobile Media

  29. 搜狐旺财是由搜狐金融事业部开发的证券投资理财专业手机媒体。

    SOHU Fortune is a mobile fiance & investment news service developed by Sohu Finance Business Divison .

  30. 手机媒体广告研究

    Mobile Media Advertisement Research