
  • 网络Mobile phone processor;handset processor
  1. 但智能手机处理器的成本远比个人电脑(pc)处理器低廉,单价为10至15美元。

    But smartphone processors are much cheaper than PC processors , at $ 10 - $ 15 a pop .

  2. 最近在巴黎,美国芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)公布了一项与其传统核心业务——智能手机处理器和电脑——相去甚远的技术:电动汽车无线充电器。

    Last week in Paris , the US chipmaking company Qualcomm unveiled technology far removed from its traditional heartland of smartphone processing and computers - a wireless charger for an electric car .

  3. 更糟糕的是,诺基亚在应用的手机处理器方面也已经处于落后挨打的境地。

    Specifically , Nokia has fallen behind in mobile processors .

  4. 智能手机处理器技术发展趋势的研究

    Study on Trend of Smart Phone Processor Technology

  5. 迈威,黑莓手机的处理器制造商,坐立于加里福利亚州的圣克拉拉。

    Marvell , the maker of processors for the BlackBerry phone , is based in Santa Clara , California .

  6. 这样算来,一部中端手机的处理器的计算能力将是全球人口加起来的运算能力的70倍左右,而一台高性能台式机的芯片则能将这个比值提高到1500。

    By this measure , the processor in amidrange mobile phone could do calculations about 70 times faster than theentire world population . A new high-end desktop PC chip would increase thatratio to 1500 .

  7. 手机多媒体协处理器芯片的应用与实现

    Application and Realization of Multimedia Coprocessor for Mobile

  8. 目前各种智能手机内置的处理器速度越来越快、处理能力越来越强,并且手机自身所内嵌的各种陀螺仪传感器已经能够较为准确的检测出手机的状态并获得各种数据参数。

    Nowadays , the speed of build-in processor in smartphone becomes faster and faster , and the processing ability becomes more and more powerful . In addition , the build-in gyroscope sensor can accurately detect the state of smartphone and obtain a variety of data .

  9. 该款新手机将配备1.2GHz处理器、图形处理单元(GPU)、768MB内存、2.8英寸触摸屏、支持720p高清录像功能的500万像素摄像头以及8GB内置存储空间。

    The new device sports a 1.2 GHz processor , graphics processing unit ( GPU ) , 768 MB ram , 2.8-inch touschscreen , 5-megapixel camera with 720P HD video recording capability , and 8 GB of onboard storage .

  10. 这两款手机都配有双核处理器,不过,诺基亚在电池寿命上更胜一筹。

    Both handsets have adopted dual-core predecessors , but Nokia wins the upper hand on battery life .

  11. 英特尔可能无法在智能手机和平板电脑处理器市场中占到50-60%的份额,但我们有充分的信心,公司也不会只获得5%的市场。

    Intel may not get50-60 % share in tablets / smartphones , but we are quite confident the company will not get5 % of the market either .