
  • 网络synergy;synergize
  1. 不仅可以创造综效,而且产生的效果还可能加倍。

    Synergy can be created , and the results generated can be amplified .

  2. 本文发现,媒体资源应用在本身举辨的展览活勤,可降低财务风险并促进营运综效。

    We found that by organizing such fairs , media firms can use their own sources to reduce financial risk and achieve operational synergy .

  3. 媒体企业之间基于综效及强化竞争力等因素而引起的并购活动是近年来企业成长,以及媒体集团快速出现、整合的主要方式。

    Mergers and acquisitions brought by media enterprises to enhance competitiveness are the major means to the emergence of media groups .

  4. 许多组织选择以专案组合执行一群相关的专案,目的是为了获得共同管理的综效及节省。

    Many organisations choose to run groups of related projects as a portfolio , aiming to create synergies and savings by managing them together .

  5. 华旗重视女性的性格优势,充分发挥女性半边天的作用,提倡“统合综效”的思维方式。

    Huaqi attaches much importance to the_character advantages of the women , makes full out of the women 's work , and advocates the thinking style of " incorporating comprehensive effects " .

  6. 比如您要成为高效能人士,就要养成以下七个习惯:积极主动、以终为始、要事第一、双赢思维、知彼解己、统合综效、不断更新。

    For example , you want to become efficient , to develop the seven habits : actively , begin with the end in mind , put first things first , win-win thinking , know solution has , synergy , constantly updated .