
  1. 使用DEA结果修正的多指标综合绩效评价方法

    Method for multiple-parameters evaluation modified by DEA model

  2. 基于BSC和ANP的企业综合绩效评价应用研究

    Application of Balanced Scorecard and Analytic Network Process to Enterprise Performance Evaluation

  3. 基于全生命周期的RD项目综合绩效评价系统模型研究

    Research on Integrated Performance Elevation System Model of RD Project Based on Total Life Cycle

  4. 本文以上海现代物流公司实施RFID托盘项目为评价案例来支持综合绩效评价体系。

    In the end , Shanghai Modern Logistics companies implement RFID pallet project which is the case to support the integrated performance evaluation system .

  5. 同时,考虑影响企业未来经营绩效的因素,利用AHP法修正各因素对综合绩效评价结果的影响。

    After that considering factors which affect the enterprises ' performance in future , the author amended the effect of comprehensive performance evaluation with AHP .

  6. 在文章的最后部分,以KW家具企业为例说明了此套综合绩效评价体系关于战略设定、指标设置等方面的实施过程。

    In the last part , the paper explained the implementation process of performance evaluation system which was applying in KW about the setting of strategy and indexes .

  7. 基于AHP-FCE方法的农业科技成果转化路径综合绩效评价

    Comprehensive performance evaluation of transfer paths for agricultural sci-tech achievements based on AHP-FCE approaches

  8. 第四章为绩效评价模型,提出了基于数据包络分析(DEA)与权值因子法相结合的低碳绿色供应链综合绩效评价模型。

    Chapter IV , the performance evaluation model , it proposed the comprehensive performance evaluation model of the low-carbon green supply chain that based on the combination of DEA and weights of factors method .

  9. 数据包络分析和神经网络两种方法同时运用在开放式基金的综合绩效评价上,可以较好的弥补单纯使用DEA方法与单纯使用BP神经网络方法的不足。

    Data envelopment analysis and neural networks are two ways to apply the same open-end fund the comprehensive performance evaluation , you can better make up a simple method and simple to use DEA to use BP neural network deficiencies .

  10. 第五章使用灰色层次分析法构建第三方物流企业实施RFID托盘项目综合绩效评价体系,确定了影响第三方物流企业实施RFID托盘项目绩效的指标。

    In the last chapter , we can use the gray analytic hierarchy process ( GAHP ) to build the performance evaluation system for the third-party logistics enterprises to implement RFID projects and determine the performance indicators which are the impact of third-party logistics enterprises to implement RFID pallet project .

  11. 最后,对基于BIC的煤电联盟协同效果进行综合绩效评价,通过实证研究证明了BIC在煤电联盟协同决策中的实用性。

    Then the collaborative procurement and the benefit distribution under the environment of BIC are studied . Finally , the comprehensive performance evaluation on coordination effect of coal and power alliance based on BIC is given .

  12. 地勘单位如何进行综合绩效评价

    How to Conduct a Overall Performance Evaluation in Geological Prospecting Units

  13. 军队医院综合绩效评价方法改进研究

    Improvement on the Methods of Comprehensive Performance Evaluation of Military Hospital

  14. 股权激励下经营者的综合绩效评价研究

    Research on Manager 's Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Based on Equity-based Incentive

  15. 自然垄断企业利益相关者导向的综合绩效评价研究

    On the Stakeholders-Orientated Integrated Performance Assessment for Natural Monopoly Enterprises

  16. 论文第三章,以层次分析法和综合绩效评价的思想为基础,首先构建了绩效指标体系的一级指标体系。

    Chapter three of the thesis , I established the index system .

  17. 医院大型医疗设备综合绩效评价

    Study on evaluation of comprehensive benefit of large medical equipment

  18. 高校教师综合绩效评价系统设计

    Design of the University Teacher 's Comprehensive Performance Appraisal System

  19. 随后还构建了供应链综合绩效评价模型。

    And then I developed one mode of the supply chain performance evaluation .

  20. 反应性供应链综合绩效评价研究

    Study on Overall Performance Measurement of Response Supply Chain

  21. 关于中央企业综合绩效评价若干问题的探讨

    Several Problems Concerning Overall Performance Evaluation of Central Enterprises

  22. 装备训练综合绩效评价指标体系构建研究

    Research on Training Performance Measurement Target System of Equipment

  23. 上海市某区30所社区卫生服务中心综合绩效评价

    Performance Assessment of the Community Health Service Centers 30 Places in One District in Shanghai

  24. 航空公司综合绩效评价探讨

    Probe into Airline Comprehensive Performance Appraisal

  25. 现有关于R&D项目综合绩效评价的研究大部分都是针对组织绩效展开的。

    The studies about integrated performance elevation of R & D project mainly revolved on its organization .

  26. 初步建立了供应链综合绩效评价指标体系,并对涉及的评价指标进行了量化分析。

    A performance measurement index system of synthetic of SC is established , and involved measures are quantified .

  27. 再利用综合绩效评价体系对活动开展前后六个年度医院综合绩效进行评价。

    The comprehensive performance assessment of our hospital around the election was conducted by use of comprehensive assessment system .

  28. 不同区域因其有差异的因素,针对区域功能和定位,建立顺其发展方向相同的财政支出综合绩效评价体系。

    Because the differences in region factors , setting up a financial expenditure performance evaluation system in the same direction .

  29. 本研究的目的在于构建双层绩效评价框架,并应用该框架对建筑企业的企业和工程两个层面进行综合绩效评价。

    The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive bi-level performance measurement framework for both company and project levels .

  30. 而绿色供应链上核心企业对整个绿色供应链有着重要的作用,对核心企业实施绿色供应链管理进行综合绩效评价,在一定程度上能够反映出整个绿色供应链的运营状况。

    While green supply chain is the core enterprise of the whole green supply chain , so it has important function .