
  1. 基于多智能体的制造联盟协同采购体系研究

    Research on Multi-agent Based Collaborative Purchasing Architecture for Manufacturing Alliance

  2. 信息时代汽车制造业协同采购策略研究

    Study on Strategy of Collaborative Procurement Business in Auto Manufacturing in Information Times

  3. 最后通过具体的供应链协同采购过程实例,验证了该模型及实现方法的有效性和可行性。

    Finally , an example of purchasing collaboration of supply chain was provided to illustrate the validity and feasibility .

  4. ⑶运用系统动力学的理论,对各种协同采购供应策略进行了建模仿真,分析各种采购策略的可行性和优越性。

    ⑶ With the theory of system dynamics , all kinds of Collaborative Procurement Strategies are modeled and simulated . The feasibility and superiority of the procurement strategy are analysed .

  5. 论文对目前三一重工的采购管理现状通过采购环节内部和外部两方面进行了分析,同时借鉴了西方先进企业在供应链环境下的采购管理经验,在此基础上设计了新型的协同采购模型。

    The author analyzed the procurement of enterprise S from the internal relationship and the external relationship , and absorbed the experience of the first-rate west corporation under the environment of supply chain .

  6. 最后,通过对汽车工业的协同采购、协同销售、协同生产和协同配置主体间交互过程的分析,体现了该模型的实用价值和企业整体效率的提高。

    The application of the model to automobile industry shows its practicability through the increased efficiency in the coordinated interactions of enterprises , such as coordinated stocking , coordinated selling , coordinated manufacturing and coordinated configuring .

  7. 在第四章中,介绍了汽摩配行业商务平台的总体结构和设计思路,并着重介绍其中的产品统一编码算法,交易流程,招投标平台,协同采购中心以及其他的一些技术和服务。

    In chapter 4 , the total construction and design thought of establishing APMP business platform has been introduced , which including the product 's unified code , bargain process , bid platform , and some other techniques and services .

  8. 根据钢铁企业供应特点和钢铁企业集团化发展的需要,给出了集中采购与协同采购相结合的采购模式和联合库存管理模式。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . Purchasing schema combining centralized purchasing with collaborative purchasing and confederative inventory management schema are presented according to the traits of material supply and group development requirement of iron & steel enterprise .

  9. 最后,本文将探讨装配式供应链协同采购的绩效评价,设计合理的绩效评价指标,并以此作为考核依据制定有效的激励策略,鼓励供应商、制造商等积极参与协同采购。

    Finally , this paper will explore a performance evaluation of collaborative procurement of assembly supply chain , design reasonable performance evaluation , and develop effective incentive strategy based on the evaluation to encourage suppliers and manufacturers etc. to actively participate in collaborative procurement .

  10. 与项目工程师协同制定零部件采购程序及操作流程。

    Structuring the Parts procedure and handling process in closed cooperation with the Project Engineer .

  11. 在协同的开发、采购与生产等方面实现了主企业与合作伙伴之间的信息的沟通和计划的协同,加速了对市场的快速反应的能力,从而为企业良好运作提供了有力的支持。

    It is helpful to realize the cooperation and communication of the main enterprise and the collaborator in the development , purchase and production . It also speeds up the response to market and supplies powerful support for company operation .

  12. 为此,本文提出设备协同维护下的备件协同采购模式,即设备用户与设备制造商、市场上的备件供应商通过网络信息共享,备件供应商优选,实现备件采购业务的协同运作。

    Therefore , this paper provides collaborative purchasing mode in the condition of equipment collaborative maintenance , which means that equipment user , equipment producer and spare part supplier could share their information using internet and operate cooperatively for purchasing .

  13. 本论文以协同电子商务,供应链管理为理论基础,详细介绍了网络协同采购系统和协同电子商务平台的分析、设计和实现过程。

    This paper expatiates the network collaborative purchase system and analysis , design and realization process of collaborative e-business platform based on the theories of collaborative e-business and SCM .

  14. 本文认为信息协同是全球供应链竞争下的核心所在,并提出信息协同必将成为采购成本控制的重点和热点。

    The article express that the information collaboration is the core for the global supply chain competition , the article also proposed that the information collaboration must be the importance and focus of procurement cost control in the future .

  15. 另一方面信息技术和网络技术的发展也为协同商务的发展提供了技术支持,通过构建产业集群构建协同商务平台,集群内企业可以实现协同采购、协同生产、协同销售及研发协同等。

    On the other hand , the development of information technology and network technology offers technical support for the development of collaborative commerce . Enterprises in the industrial clusters can achieve collaborative purchasing , collaborative production , collaborative marketing and collaborative R & D by constructing collaborative commerce platform .

  16. 本文以在协同电子商务环境下,以实现一个有良好协同性、合理业务流程和充分融合供应链为目标,以某大型机床企业为背景,分析、设计并实现了企业协同网络采购系统。

    In the environment of Cooperative E-Commerce , in the aim of realizing good cooperation , with sound business flow and integrated supply chain and in the background of a large-scale machine tool enterprise , enterprise cooperative network purchase system is analyzed and realized .