
xié shānɡ chénɡ xù
  • consultative procedure;procedure of consultation
  1. OECD税收协定范本相互协商程序研究

    Study on the Mutual Agreement Procedure of the OECD Model Tax Convention

  2. 99年红皮书提供了三种手段解决国际工程承包中因变更引发的争议,DAB程序、友好协商程序、和仲裁程序。

    FIDIC New Red Book provides three ways to deal with disputes aroused by Variation , such as DAB Process , Amicable Settlement , and Arbitration .

  3. 目前,解决转让定价争议的主要方法是相互协商程序。

    Currently , the main method of settling the mentioned problem is mutual agreement procedure .

  4. 目前解决这些国际税务争议的传统方法是相互协商程序,以及一定的国内法程序。

    Nowadays , traditional solutions on those disputes include Mutual Agreement Procedure and certain domestic legal procedures .

  5. 政府间协商程序理事会

    Council of Intergovernmental Consultation Procedures

  6. 但是,相互协商程序还由于其固有的一些缺陷,使其解决争端的效果受到限制。

    However , the inherent limitation of the mutual agreement procedure has limited the effect of settling conflicts .

  7. 作者认为相互协商程序和仲裁程序共同构建了一个国际税收协定争议解决机制。

    The mutual agreement procedure and international tax arbitration frame the disputes settlement mechanism of international tax treaty conflicts .

  8. 如果争端当事国利用相互协商程序在一定的期限内不能达成协议,就必须立即启动仲裁程序。

    If preceding the mutual agreement procedure has not been successful , contracting states must initiate international tax arbitration immediately .

  9. 目前,相互协商程序是解决国际税收协定争议的一个最重要的方法。

    Until recently , the mutual agreement procedure has virtually been the most important means of settling international tax treaty conflicts .

  10. 根据有关规定,企业决定延长工作时间,要有一个协商程序。

    The basis concerns a provision , the enterprise decides to lengthen working hours , want to one negotiates a program .

  11. 此外,还应当扩大采购公告的范围、引入协商程序。

    Furthermore , it is also required to broaden the scope of procurement notice , and adopt negotiation proceeding in tendering procedures .

  12. 因此,国际社会开始试图跳出相互协商程序,探索公平合理解决国际税收协定争议的其他方法。

    International society manages to escape from mutual agreement procedure and to seek for other ways to the solution of international tax treaty disputes .

  13. 其次,扩大协商程序参与人范围,增加律师参与人以提高刑事和解的质量与效率。

    Secondly . Expanding the range of the participants in consultation process and increasing the lawyers involved contribute to the improvement of the quality and efficiency of criminal reconciliation .

  14. 在补偿程序上,通过确立协商程序与裁决程序,使补偿实现程序上的公正,以保护被拆迁人的合法权益。

    As the procedure , we may establish the consultation procedure and the ruling procedure to compensate in the realization procedure fairly and protect human 's legitimate rights and interests .

  15. 参与跟工会或员工(代表)会议举行可能颇艰巨的协商程序,以确保规则及规条最终得以采纳及实施。

    Engaging in a potentially difficult negotiation procedure with the trade union or staff ( representative ) meeting to ensure that the rules and regulations can be finally adopted and implemented .

  16. 该强制性仲裁机制作为相互协商程序的补充和延伸,在一定程度上弥补了相互协商程序的缺陷,使国际税收争议得到有效的解决。

    Mandatory arbitration mechanisms , as a complement and extend of the mutual agreement procedure , has made up for the deficiencies of mutual consultation procedures to a certain extent , making international tax disputes be solved effectively .

  17. 然而,在我国双边税收协定中,相互协商程序是唯一的税收争议解决机制,该税收争议解决机制的缺陷在实践中日益突显。

    However , the mutual agreement procedure is the only tax dispute resolution mechanism in tax BITS which China is a party , such a deficiency of the tax dispute resolution mechanism has become increasingly highlighted in practice .

  18. 在仲裁条款的设计上,应着重考虑相互协商程序与仲裁程序的关系、仲裁的事项范围、仲裁的程序规则等方面问题。

    On the problem of designing the arbitration provision , it is especially to take attention on the relation of the mutual agreement procedure and arbitration 、 the items of arbitration and the procedure of arbitration and so on .

  19. 但是,随着经济的发展,相互协商程序先天的缺陷性日益暴露,于是许多国家开始寻求解决国际税务争议的新方法&仲裁。

    Along with the economic development , the MAP ( Mutual Agreement Procedures ) is not adaptive to the situation , and then many countries start to search for the new approach which is the arbitration to resolve the international tax disputes .

  20. 可以,提出申请,与派出所协商具体程序。

    Can , offer application , negotiate particular program with police station .

  21. 分析了对话与协商的程序性要求和实践形式。

    Procedural requirements and practical forms of dialogue and consultation .

  22. 只有通过这种协商的程序才能产生合法和合理的结果。

    Only by this consultation program can we produce legal and reasonable results .

  23. 流量控制参数协商实用程序:窗口大小

    Flow Control Parameter Negotiation Facility : Window Size

  24. 根据协商的程序,完成实地检查和测试及文件的编制、检查和记录之前,不应视为完成检查和测试。

    Inspection and testing shall not be considered completed until both the physical inspection and testing have been performed and the documentation have been prepared , checked and recorded in accordance with agreed procedures .

  25. 前项网络互连之安排、费率计算、协商及调处程序等相关事项,依电信总局所定电信事业网络互连管理办法之规定办理。

    The matters relating to arrangement for network interconnection , calculation of fees , and negotiations and conciliation procedures , and so on , as referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be made in accordance with the regulations governing network interconnection among Telecommunications Enterprises promulgated by dgt .

  26. 人们互相协商的会议。政府间协商程序理事会

    A meeting of people for consultation . Council of Intergovernmental Consultation Procedures