
xié zhù zhí xínɡ
  • assist in execution;assist in enforcement;assistance in enforcement
  1. 其他拒绝协助执行的。

    Other acts of refusing to assist in execution .

  2. 查封、扣押、冻结裁定书和协助执行通知书送达时发生法律效力。

    The ruling on the sealing , distraining or freezing measure and the notice for assistance in enforcement shall become legally effective once it has been served .

  3. 保罗的作用是协助执行投票在英国管治SIQO的零售基金公司的机构及其TKT的企业管治集团,以及参与的政策。

    Paul 's role is to assist TKT Corporate Governance Group in implementing voting governance in SIQO 's company organizations and retail funds in the United Kingdom , as well as to participate in policies .

  4. 浅议民事执行中的协助执行主体

    A Humble Opinion on Assisting Executive Subject with Executing Civil Cases

  5. 在各会议上,亦提醒各督导人员协助执行环保措施。

    Supervisors have been reminded in meetings to help enforcing environmental measures .

  6. 协助执行并落实各项市场计划及活动;

    Assistant to execute and carry out each marketing plan and relevant activities .

  7. 传达了协助执行通知书,要求我公司协助执行判决。

    The execution notice requires our company to assist the execution of the verdict .

  8. (四)其他拒绝协助执行的。

    Or ( 4 ) refusing to provide other obligatory assistance in the execution .

  9. 有关个人和单位应负协助执行的责任。

    The individuals and units concerned shall have the duty to assist such executions .

  10. 不可否认,当法官让我协助执行汤姆的缓刑时,我很烦恼。

    I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom 's probation .

  11. 派驻香港金融管理局筹划处的政府新闻处人员,负责协助执行有关的安排。

    An ISD team was attached to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Planning Division to help implement the arrangements .

  12. 第46条本法所定之罚锾,主管机关得交由中华邮政公司人员协助执行之。

    Article 46 The competent regulatory agency may instruct Chunghwa Post to impose fines as specified in the Act hereof .

  13. 民事协助执行制度是民事执行制度的重要组成部分,直接关系到民事执行效率的提高。

    Assistance in civil execution is an important part of civil implementation ; it is directly related to the efficiency of civilian implementation .

  14. 具体妨碍或协助执行过程的驱动力,也强调了为那些对进入新兴市场采取多元化战略感兴趣的人提供有用的指引。

    The specific drivers hindering or facilitating implementation processes are also highlighted providing useful guidelines for those interested in diversifying their strategies into emerging markets .

  15. 由托管银行在双方之间协助执行回购协议的银行间三方回购市场的份额也略有下降。

    The share of interbank tri-party repo market – in which a custodian bank helps to administer a repo agreement between two parties – also dropped slightly .

  16. 完善协助执行人制度对于缓解“执行难”、保障民事执行工作的顺利进行和弥补司法之不足有着重要的意义。

    It is held in the paper that to perfect auxiliary marshal system in China will help resolve the difficulty in civil judgment enforcement , ensuring trouble-free execution .

  17. 海关收到人民法院有关责令停止侵权行为或者财产保全的协助执行通知的,应当予以协助。

    The customs shall provide assistance upon the receipt of a notification from the people 's court for assistance in execution of an order to cease an infringing act or for preservation of property .

  18. 通过完善被执行人财产报告制度,健全社会协助执行体制,切实实现刑法对执行的保障力度等方式,充分运用法律赋予的执行威慑手段,促使被执行人自动履行义务。

    Deterrent measures stipulated by laws shall be applied to urge the parties to fulfill obligations by way of perfecting property report system , strengthening society co-assistance system and reinforcing the punishment of criminal laws .

  19. (六)对人民法院工作人员、诉讼参与人、协助执行人侮辱、诽谤、诬陷、殴打或者打击报复的。

    Or ( 6 ) insulting , slandering , framing , beating or retaliating against the personnel of a people 's court , participants in proceedings or personnel who assist in the execution of duties ;

  20. (一)有义务协助执行的人,对人民法院的协助执行通知书,无故推拖、拒绝或者妨碍执行的;

    Evading without reason , refusing to assist in or obstructing the execution of the notice of a people 's court for assistance in its execution by a person who has the duty to render assistance ;

  21. 在执行中,需要办理有关财产权证照转移手续的,人民法院可以向有关单位发出协助执行通知书,有关单位必须办理。

    Where the execution requires procedure for transfer of certificates of property rights , the people 's court may issue a notice requesting the units concerned to assist in the matter , the units concerned shall comply .

  22. 仲裁裁决可通过向有司法管辖权的法院备案作为判决而强制执行,或者可以向该类法院申请协助执行仲裁裁决,视具体情形而定。

    The arbitral award may be enforced by filing as judgment in any court having jurisdiction , or application may be made to such court for assistance in enforcing the award , as the case may be .

  23. 协助执行手续费是指向发现并举报空头支票违规行为、协助人民银行办理行政处罚工作的出票人开户银行支付的费用。

    Service charge for assisting the imposition refers to the charge paid by the deposit bank of the drawer and arising from the discovery and the report of the rule-breaking behavior of issuing dishonored cheques and assisting PBC to handle with the administrative punishments .

  24. 各级主管机关、执行机关或协助执行机关,依前项规定命提供数据时,其涉及军事机密者,应会同当地军事机关为之。

    Competent authorities , enforcement authorities and assisting enforcement authorities at all levels shall , for those circumstances that involve military secrets , issue orders in conjunction with the local military authority when issuing orders for the provision of information pursuant to the foregoing paragraph .

  25. 人民银行分支行向举报空头支票行为的银行按每案罚款的10%支付协助执行手续费,协助执行手续费每笔最高不超过10万元。

    Branches and sub-branches of PBC shall pay the service charges for assisting the imposition by10 % of the penalty amount of each case to the bank who reports the behavior of issuing dishonored cheques and the each amount for the service charges shall not exceed RMB100000 at most .

  26. 作为社交网站Facebook的首席运营官,她协助首席执行官马克•扎克伯格将一个初创业务打造成一个盈利可观的企业。

    She is the Facebook coo who is helping Mark Zuckerberg turn his startup into a very profitable business .

  27. 您将负责协助老师执行学校纪律。

    You are responsible to help the teacher to enforce the classroom rules .

  28. 副社长协助社长执行职务。

    The vice president provides assistance to the president .

  29. 协助上级执行日常工作。

    Assist superior with the daily operation .

  30. 国家再根据法院请求,协助法院执行逮捕并履行移交义务。

    The state should assist the Court to execute the arrest warrant and fulfill the obligation of surrender .