
xié tiáo tiáo jiàn
  • compatibility conditions
  1. 单元自由度只含角点位移,不含Loof结点位移、单元间的协调条件全部采用点型协调条件,不采用积分型协调条件。

    The element DOFs are defined only with displacements at corner nodes . In the formulation only point compatibility conditions are used .

  2. 壳体中面大变形的变形协调条件

    The compatibility conditions of the middle surface of large deflection shells

  3. 利用内外管之间的变形协调条件,得出液压胀合的适用条件以及胀合液压力pi的工作范围。

    By using the relation of deformed compatibility of hoop strain , suitable condition of hydraulic expansion and varying range of hydro-expanding pressures are derived .

  4. 利用FRP筋混凝土梁截面的平衡条件和变形协调条件,给出梁的平衡配筋率;

    Based on equilibrium and deflection compatibility condition of concrete beam section reinforced with FRP bars , the balanced reinforcement ratio was provided .

  5. 依据Mindlin位移解和位移协调条件,本文推导了柔性桩桩周摩阻力分布公式和轴力变化公式,获得的公式与能反应实际摩阻力分布的特征。

    Based on Mindlin solution and displacement compatibility equations , the friction force distribution along the pile length is presented .

  6. 依据位移、速度、加速度的协调条件,使主、辅子系统发生联系,利用ADAMS求解器嵌含的迭代过程,实施整个系统的迭代求解。

    According to some conditions of displacement , velocity and acceleration , forces are used to link host and secondary subsystems . Whole iteration solving of system is realized with involved iteration process in ADAMS solver .

  7. 通过完全转换处理边界条件,利用位移协调条件集成整个波纹夹层结构的非线性平衡方程,运用Newton-Raphson迭代法求解非线性平衡方程。

    Here , it uses the full transformation method to enforce the essential boundary conditions and the nonlinear equilibrium equation for the entire corrugated sandwich plate is established by the displacement coordination conditions , and employs the Newton-raphson method to solve nonlinear equations .

  8. 基于Kennard薄壳理论、Helmholtz方程以及壳壁外表面的运动协调条件,并借助Diracδ函数引进肋骨对壳体的作用,从而建立耦合系统的运动方程。

    The equations of motion for the free vibration of the coupling system are derived by the use of Kennard 's thin shell theory and Helmholtz equation and the coupling conditions on the surface of the shell as well as Dirac - δ function .

  9. 采用广义协调条件构造具有旋转自由度的四边形膜元

    Quadrilateral membrane element with vertex rotational freedom from generalized compatible condition

  10. 钢筋混凝土结构裂缝现象与变形协调条件

    Structure Cracks of Reinforced Concrete and Coordination Condition of Deformed

  11. 土体的位移和支护桩的位移满足变形协调条件。

    Soil displacement and timbering pile displacement are in harmony with deformation .

  12. 广义协调条件的薄板弯曲三角形元和矩形元

    Triangular and rectangular plate elements based on generalized compatibility conditions

  13. 论连续体有限变形的位移协调条件

    On the Compatibility Condition of Displacement Field for Finite Deformation of Continuum

  14. 基于广义协调条件的通用矩形平板壳元

    Rectangular Flat-Shell Element for Thick and Thin Shells Based on Generalized Conforming Conditions

  15. 编组站到达&解体系统与区间通过能力的协调条件

    The Harmonious Condition Between Train Arrival-Classification System and Section Carrying Capacity on Marshalling Yard

  16. 其次,根据位移协调条件建立滑动体的速度场,并计算各滑动楔块的位移速度;

    Secondly , the velocity field was determined based on the conditions of kinematic admissibility .

  17. 本文对这些弹性变形进行了系统的分析,建立了弹性变形之间的协调条件。

    This dissertation analyzed the elastic deformations and derived the coordinate relation between those deformations .

  18. 为此,本文引进了拟协调条件,构造出一个奇应变拟协调元,并计算出它的刚度矩阵。

    A singular strain quasi-conforming element is constructed and its stiffness matrix is worked out .

  19. 分析充分满足平衡条件、变形协调条件和材料本构方程。

    The equilibrium equations , compatibility equations and the constitutive laws of materials are satisfied .

  20. 根据多余力处的变形协调条件列出并求解力法平衡方程得到徐变多余力。

    According to conformability of deformation , creep-redundant forces can be attained by resolving equilibrium equations .

  21. 张立德的研究小组专注于能使硫化锌纳米管线稳定生长的协调条件。

    Zhang 's group have focused on the coordinated conditions required to reliably grow ZnS nanowires .

  22. 从基础与地基变形协调条件出发,考虑地基梁的扭转影响,导出了地基梁的扭转刚度方程。

    Based on deformed coordination of soil-foundation , considering torsion of foundation , stiffness equation is given .

  23. 同时在变形协调条件下,推导了其轴压力分配系数计算公式;

    Under the deformation compatibility condition , the calculation formula for distribution coefficient of axial compression is derived .

  24. 本文根据广义协调条件,构造了一个广义协调板膜耦合三角形壳元,然后利用分层子单元技术,将其从线弹性领域推广到弹塑性领域。

    In this paper , the generalized conforming triangular shell element is proposed based on generalized conforming conditions .

  25. 一种简单有效通用的厚、薄板壳元基于广义协调条件的通用矩形平板壳元

    A Simple and Efficient Finite Element Rectangular Flat-Shell Element for Thick and Thin Shells Based on Generalized Conforming Conditions

  26. 在利用能量协调条件构造应力模式时,最后的应力模式中含有矩阵的逆。

    When the stress mode is constructed by energy compatibility condition , the last stress mode involves the inverse matrix .

  27. 载荷分布模态中的可调参数可根据接触区表面的位移协调条件确定,从而求得圆柱压头的半径。

    The adjustable parameter of loading distribution is used to satisfy the compatibility conditions of displacements along the contact surface .

  28. 这种情况使连续介质力学中使用的基本体元的概念及圣维南变形协调条件受到了置疑。

    This situation makes the concept of elementary volume and Saint-Venant 's deformation compatibility condition used in continuum mechanics problematic .

  29. 该方法借鉴了结构分析中的子结构法的基本思想,并将子结构间的协调条件做了扩充。

    It uses the basic idea of the substructure method in structural analysis for reference and extends the coordinate conditions .

  30. 由桩基础与饱和土交界面处的协调条件和平衡条件,建立了桩基础与饱和土动力相互作用的控制方程,探讨了饱和土中流体渗透系数对饱和土中桩基础阻抗函数的影响。

    A set of governing equations is presented on the bases of coordinate and balance conditions between saturated soils and piles .