
  • 网络Water Tower Construction
  1. 液压提升工艺在混凝土水塔施工中的应用

    Hydraulic Pressure Hoist Process Applied in Concrete Water Tower Construction

  2. 深水取水塔施工新技术的应用

    Application of new techniques to the construction of deep water intake tower

  3. 从基础工程施工、筒身滑模施工、钢筋混凝土水箱施工三方面对某火车站倒锥壳水塔施工进行了详细的阐述,总结了几点施工体会。

    It illustrates reverse cone-shape water-tower construction in a certain railway station from foundation engineering , shell body slip-form construction and reinforced concrete water tank construction , and summarizes several construction experiences .

  4. 取水塔设计施工新技术的水力学问题试验研究

    Study on the hydraulic problem of a new type water intake tower

  5. 某建筑物整体纠倾及其综合加固技术倾斜水塔纠偏施工技术

    Rectification of Deviation and Comprehensive Reinforcing Technology for a Pile Foundation Deviation rectification construction technology of one inclined water tower

  6. 本文介绍了一种椭球形多功能工业事故水塔及其施工工艺,可为实际工程提供借鉴。

    The ellipsoid multifunctional industrial emergency water tower and construction technics are described in this paper , which would provide a reference for the actual engineering .

  7. 斯里兰卡某水塔工程圆弧模板施工技术

    Construction Technology of Arc Formwork in Sri Lanka Water Tower Project

  8. 倒锥形水塔的水柜提升施工

    Hoisting construction of water tank of reverse taper water tower

  9. 200m~3混凝土倒锥壳水塔整体现浇施工

    A cast-in site monolithic construction for a 200  ̄ 3 concrete inverted cone water tower project