
  • 网络water-base drilling fluids;water base drilling fluids;WBM
  1. 海洋深水钻井作业环境恶劣,操作条件复杂,其中之一便是钻井液(主要是水基钻井液)中容易形成天然气水合物。

    In deep water drilling , Deep water operations usually meet bad environment and complex conditions , one of which is natural gas hydrate formed in the mud ( mainly in WBM ) .

  2. 水基钻井液大多要增加地层坍塌压力,且不同钻井液体系引起地层坍塌压力增加的幅度不同。

    Water-base drilling fluids usually increase shale collapse pressure , different drilling fluid system brings different increase degree of collapse pressure .

  3. 基于PLC的水箱液位控制实训项目开发抗220℃高温水基钻井液技术研究


  4. 用MEG为主剂配制成的MEG水基钻井液具有流变性易调整,高温稳定性好,抗污染能力强及油气层保护效果好等特点。

    MEG drilling fluid has adjustable rheology , high temperature stability , contaminant resistance and excellent formation damage prevention .

  5. 对于水敏性较强的储层采用聚合醇钻井液、钙醇络合水基钻井液和MEG钻井液;

    Use polyol drilling fluid , calcium-alcohol complexing water based drilling fluid and MEG drilling fluid for the water sensitive reservoir ;

  6. 渤海油田PEM聚合物水基钻井液废弃物固液分离技术研究

    The Study of Solid-liquid Separation Technology of Discarded Object PEM Polymerization Water Base Drilling Fluid in Pohai Oil Field

  7. 对于纳米水基钻井液配浆剂性能的表征,X射线衍射法、TEM法和Malvern激光测粒仪法是最常见的方法。

    For characterizing making-up materials of nanometer water base drilling fluid , X-ray diffraction , TEM method and Malvern particle size laser analysis are the broadly applied methods .

  8. MEG钻井液是一种具有半透膜作用的水基钻井液,对页岩具有较好抑制作用。

    MEG drilling fluid is a semi-membranceous water-base fluid and has good inhibition in shale , and it has the characteristics of biological degradation and environmental protection .

  9. 新型水基钻井液抑制剂FTy的实验研究

    Experimental studies on the novel inhibitive agent , FTy , for water-based drilling fluids

  10. 室内对比MEG钻井液体系和几种常用的水基钻井液体系表明,MEG钻井液体系在防塌、润滑、携屑和保护油气层等方面具有明显的优势。

    The compare between MEG drilling fluid system and some commonly used water-based drilling fluids systems indicates that MEG drilling fluid system has evident advantages in cave in preventing , lubricity , solid carry capacity and formation damage controlling .

  11. 针对钻井工程技术和环境保护的需要,从油基钻井液的防塌作用机理出发,研制了新型聚合醇类防塌水基钻井液体系(简称PEM)。

    A new polyol-type water-based drilling fluid system , PEM , is developed on the basis of anti-sloughing mechanism for oil-based drilling fluids in order to meet the needs of requirement of drilling engineering and environment protection .

  12. 合成了隔离膜水基钻井液用两种隔离膜降滤失剂:CMJ-1和CMJ-2。

    Two major additives of the isolation membrane water-based drilling fluid , CMJ-1 and CMJ-2 , are synthesized .

  13. 评价结果表明,HBH具有良好的抑制性且在加量小于0.5%时对水基钻井液的流变性和滤失量影响不大。

    Evaluating results indicate that HBH has a good inhibiting property and has small impact on the mud rheology and filtration loss when added percentage of HBH is less than 0.5 % .

  14. 在水基钻井液中,通过添加ROP增速剂来提高钻速的机理是在钻井液原有的流变性、固相含量及分散性的基础上,大大改善其润滑性,从而降低扭矩来实现的。

    The ROP enhancing agents can improve the lubrication of water base drilling fluids significantly and thus may decrease the drag and torque in drilling operations and enhance ROP while the original rheology , solid content and dispersion can be kept .

  15. 在井壁稳定技术中,介绍了澳大利亚的CSIRO石油公司开发的力学-热学-化学耦合的井眼稳定性模式、Solvang/Statoil公司提出的确保井眼清洁和井壁稳定的水基钻井液设计准则。

    Also , several hole stability technologies were presented which included the hole stability model based on the couple of thermodynamics , chemical and mechanical developed by Australia CSIRO Oil Corporation ; design criterion of water-based drilling fluid for hole cleaning and stability advanced by Solvang / Statoil Company .

  16. 对不同垂深、不同位移的大位移井在钻井和下套管过程中的摩阻和扭矩分析表明,采用水基钻井液能够钻成位移小于3000m的大位移井,且可以下入178mm套管;

    The analysis on friction drag of extended reach wells with different vertical depths and different displacements in drilling and casing running indicates that a water-base drilling fluid can be used to drill extended reach wells with displacement less than 3 000 m with Φ 178 mm casing running ;

  17. 成膜(隔离膜)水基钻井液体系实验研究

    Magnetic liquid experimental study of membrane water based drilling fluid system

  18. 加重剂对水基钻井液润滑性能的影响研究

    Study on influence of heavyweight additives on Lubricity of water-based drilling fluids

  19. 水平井水基钻井液体系室内研究

    Lab study on water base drilling fluid for horizontal wells

  20. 小直径超高温超高压系列测井仪的研制抗高温水基钻井液超高温高压流变性研究

    Development of small-diameter logging tools with ultra-high pressure and ultra-high temperature performance

  21. 水基钻井液转变为水泥浆的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on changing water-based drilling fluid into cement paste

  22. 大庆深探井水基钻井液体系研究

    Study on Water-Based Drilling Fluid System for Deep Exploration Well of Daqing

  23. 适用于硬脆性泥页岩地层的水基钻井液技术研究

    Study on Water Based Fluids Suitable for the Hard Brittle Shale Formations

  24. 聚合醇/碳酸钾水基钻井液;

    Polyol / potassium carbonate water based drilling fluid ;

  25. 海上钻井多功能水基钻井液研究

    Study on multifunctional water-based drilling fluids for offshore drilling

  26. 配制和维护成本与普通水基钻井液相近;

    Costs of preparation and maintenance similar with conventional water base drilling fluid ;

  27. 环保型天然高分子水基钻井液的研究与现场应用

    Research and Field Application of Environment - friendly Natural Macromolecule Water-base Drilling Fluid

  28. 国内外水基钻井液新技术

    New Water-base Drilling Fluid Technologies at Home and Abroad

  29. 高密度水基钻井液抗高温作用机理及流变性研究

    Study on High-temperature Function Mechanism and Rheology of High Density Water-based Drilling Fluid

  30. 抗高温水基钻井液超高温高压流变性研究

    Study on water-based drilling fluids resisting high temperature