
  • Water sealing device;【化】water seal arrangement
  1. 为了更适合于晶体生长,对电极、离子换膜、籽晶、红外线加热方式、以及水封装置等方面,进行了改装,从而使KDP晶体快速生长装置更进一步完善。

    For more suitable crystal growth , it is improved on electrode , ion exchange membrane , seed , infra-red heating , water sealing and so on . It makes the crystal growing apparatus perfect further for fast growth of KDP single crystal .

  2. 甲板水封装置是否情况良好?

    Are deck seals in good working order ?

  3. 液压式水封装置的成功应用不但可以节约金属结构设备的投资,而且将为我国解决深孔弧形闸门止水装置提供和积累经验。

    Such a successful application can not only economize the investment of metal structure equipment , but afford useful experience for solving water seal problems of deep orifice radial gate as well .

  4. 水封湿式除渣装置及常见问题分析高浓度酚水的湿式氧化研究

    Introduction of Water-Filled Intermittent-Removal Ash Hopper and Analysis of Normal Problems Wet Air Oxidation of High Concentration Phenol Solution

  5. 介绍了大型铜材挤压机水封系统工作原理,探讨了水封装置最佳间隙的选择和液压牵引装置的控制回路设计。

    The paper introduces the working principle of the water seal system in the giant extruder of copper shape , discusses how to select the optimum clearance and how to design the control circuit of the hydraulic pulling equipment .