
  • Cement expansion agent;【石油】expansive agent for cement slurry
  1. XS-1型水泥膨胀剂试验研究

    Experimental study of XS-1 cement swelling agent

  2. 浇筑水泥膨胀剂的研制

    Research on Expansion Agent of Cement for Joints and Its Formulation

  3. 一种低温油井水泥膨胀剂的研究和应用

    Study and Application of Sweller of Low Temperature Cement Slurry

  4. MgO型水泥或膨胀剂有较好的延迟膨胀性能,而且长期稳定。

    The MgO expanding cement is possessed of the better quality of delayed expansion and long period stability .

  5. 本文研究了G级油井水泥-膨胀剂-磨细矿渣三元复合胶凝材料的膨胀与强度的协调性,该复合胶凝材料可用于制备高性能膨胀水泥。

    The compatibility between the expansion and strength of ternary cementitious material including G oil-well cement , expansive agent , blast furnace slag were investigated . The cementitious material could prepare the high performance expansion cement .

  6. 可以通过采用等量取代水泥的膨胀剂,粉煤灰掺合料,正确选用粗集料等措施。

    Can by adopting isometric substitute of expansive agent , fly ash cement admixture , the correct choice of coarse aggregate etc.

  7. 研究了硅酸盐水泥添加钢渣膨胀剂后的物理化学性能和膨胀性能。

    Chemical and physical properties and expansive property have been studied for steel slag expansive cement .

  8. 其抗剪强度随着新混凝土强度等级增加而增大;水泥膨胀浆界面剂可使其抗剪强度达到整体的75%。

    The shearing strength becomes big with new concrete stress class and the shearing strength of the interface with cement paste mixed with 12 % U expanding agent is up to 75 % of the total one .

  9. 在水泥浆中引入膨胀剂和套管内敞压候凝技术,消除因内部压力和水泥浆固有的膨胀-收缩特性而造成的微裂缝-微孔隙,实现环空密封。

    Adding the swelling agent in the slurry and adopting the opening WOC technology in the casing , to eliminate the micro-fractures or pores caused by the inner pressure and the inflation-contraction feature of the cement slurry , to seal off the annular .