
  • 网络fluidized state
  1. 流化态电极是处理低浓度重金属离子废水的有效方法。

    Electrodepositing the heavy metal ion from the waste water by fluidized electrode is an effective method .

  2. 从技术、经济等方面分析研究了聚酯切片的运输、卸料及输送方法.提出了切片的流化态输送工艺,并付诸实践,取得了良好的效果。

    This article puts forward the new conveying process in liquid state economically and technologically with regard to the analysis and research of polyester chips'conveying , discharge and pipe conveying , how to put it into practice and have satisfactory rewards .

  3. 对一种新型流化床热处理电炉的流化特性,热态升温特性及电特性进行了试验研究。

    This paper studied the characteristics of fluidization , eating up and electricity on a new-type fluidized bed heat treatment resistance furnace .