
  1. 该传感器将流动注射分析方法和激光激发荧光光谱技术结合起来,融合进光纤传导,CCD摄像机等技术。

    This sensor used flow injection analysis coupled with CCD camera .

  2. 建立了流动注射分析方法,评价了碳酸酐酶(CA)的活性,并用此方法研究了磁场对酶催化活性的影响。

    Flow-injection spectrophotometry was established to measure carbonic anhydrase ( CA ) activity and the effect of magnetic field on CA activity was studied .

  3. 提出了一种在线快速检测R值的流动注射分析方法,并采用MCS51单片机研制了在线R值流动注射分析仪,取得了良好的检测结果。

    A method of fast detecting R 's value named flow injection analysis is put forward . Use MCS-51 single chip computer to develop online R 's value flow injection analyzer and obtained good result .

  4. 在线预反应流动注射分析方法研究

    Study on the Flow Injection Analytical Methods Based on Pre-reaction on Line

  5. 磷酸可待因片含量的流动注射分析方法

    Flow injection analysis for the content test of codeine phosphate

  6. 钯的高选择性流动注射分析方法的研究

    Study on Selective Flow Injection Analysis of Palladium

  7. 水体中高锰酸盐指数的流动注射分析方法

    Mobile-injection Method to Analyze Permanganate Index

  8. 热释-流动注射分析方法测定化探样品中的碘

    The determination of iodine in Geochemical Exploration Samples by using heat release with flow injection analysis

  9. 流动注射分析方法概述

    Introduction to Flow Injection Analysis Method

  10. 研究报告部分主要涉及液滴流动注射分析方法的建立和评价,以及该方法结合化学发光、电化学发光检测的分析应用研究。

    In the research part , the application of above pendant drop flow injection system is constructed and validated .

  11. 该项研究的目的在于建立将双安培法应用于使用印制葡萄糖生物传感器的流动注射分析方法。

    In the second research section , a novel biamperometric screen-printed biosensor is designed in a flow injection analysis ( FIA ) for glucose .

  12. 研究给出了一种利用在线离子交换预处理和分离同时测定植物及生物样品中硅磷的流动注射分析方法。

    A new flow injection analysis method based on a on line ion exchange pretreatment and separation is given for the simultaneous determination of silicate and phosphate in biological and plant samples .

  13. 适用于全自动在线监测水体中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的流动注射分析方法的研究水溶性硫酸盐、氯化物、硝酸盐测定

    Research on Flow Injection Analytical Method Suited for Full Automatic Determining Nitrate Nitrogen and Nitrite Nitrogen in Water ; general methods of test for pigments : determination of water-soluble sulphates , chlorides and nitrates

  14. 从降低试剂、样品的消耗,提高分析频率和简化分析操作的考虑出发,本论文设计了一种新型流动注射分析方法&液滴流动注射分析方法。

    Considering of reducing the consumption of regent and sample , increasing analytical frequency and facilitating operation , based on FIA , we designed a pendant liquid drop flow injection technique ( PDFI ) .

  15. 方法基于阿替洛尔对LuminolKIO4H2O2体系的化学发光具有强烈的抑制作用,建立了测定阿替洛尔的流动注射化学发光分析方法。

    Methods A flow-injection chemiluminescence method has been developed based on the inhibition of the chemiluminescence of Luminol-H_2O_2-KIO_4 in alkaline aqueous solution .

  16. 流动注射分析仪及其分析方法发展现状

    The status quo of FIA instruments and FIA methods

  17. 基于碱性介质中敌百虫增强鲁米诺-H2O2体系发光的研究,建立了测定敌百虫的流动注射化学发光分析方法。

    A new chemiluminescence ( CL ) system for the determination of trichlorfon based on the enhancement of chemiluminescence of luminol-hydrogen peroxide in basic medium by flow injection analysis has been established .

  18. 流动注射催化光度分析新方法研究

    Study on the new methods of flow injection catalytic spectrophotometry analysis

  19. 流动注射分析法和传统方法测定土壤氮的比较研究

    Comparison of Flow Injection Analysis Method and Traditional Methods for the Determination of Nitrogen in Soils

  20. 文章提出了一种新的测定铬鞣革液中铬()的分析方法,在常温下利用流动注射在线分析,其方法简便、快速,数据准确可靠。

    A new online analytical method of online flow injection analysis was put forward to determine the Cr 3 + ion content in the chrome tanning liquor and waste chrome tanning liquor .

  21. 介绍了流动注射分析技术的发展概况,对流动注射分析仪发展现状及有关的流动注射分析方法进行了综合介绍,并展望了流动注射分析技术的发展前景。

    The development of FIA was Introduced , the status quo of FIA Instruments and methods was introduced , the prospects of FIA were discussed .