
  • 网络Microelectrode array;MEA;micro electrode array
  1. 最后,微电极阵列测量表明,该网络不仅能产生,而且还调节基底电活动。

    In conclusion , MEA measurements demonstrated that the network-forming ICC-MyP not only generates but also coordinates basal electrical activities .

  2. 微电极阵列不仅能有效放大响应电流,还可保留单支微电极电化学特性,从而可在常规电化学仪器上获得满意的结果。

    MEA can not only enlarge the current response but also keep the electrochemical properties of single microelectrode . So , it can get better satisfied results than normal electrochemical instruments .

  3. 在SD大鼠前额叶皮层植入16通道微电极阵列。

    And then 16-channel microelectrode array are implanted in the rat prefrontal cortex .

  4. 设计电化学流动微反应器,并采用MEMS技术制备了不同尺度的微电极阵列,开展了前期的研究。

    Design of a flow electrochemical microreactor , and fabricate an array of microelectrode with different scale by MEMS technology , and carry out preliminary relevant study .

  5. 讨论了pn结对制作硅微电极阵列的局限性,提出了一种在沟道侧壁制作多晶硅电极阵列的设计和制作方法。

    The limitation of pn junction in the fabrication of silicon micro-electrode is discussed . A simple method to develop polycrystalline silicon micro-electrode array at the both sides of the channel is proposed .

  6. 本文研究了C-MEMS工艺原理,优化了原有工艺,制备出了性能良好的柱状碳微电极阵列,并发展该工艺制备得到悬浮碳微结构。

    We worked on C-MEMS theory , optimized process , fabricated carbon micro-electrode array with good properties , and developed the process to fabricate suspended carbon micro-structures .

  7. 本文介绍了我们自主设计的用于集成细胞电生理测试的光寻址电位传感器LAPS和微电极阵列MEA以及细胞电阻抗ECIS传感器芯片,分析了其原理和器件的界面模型以及制作工艺。

    This paper introduces a novel cell sensors chip which integrated the micro electrode array ( MEA ), cell electro-impedance ( ECIS ) and light addressable potentiometer sensors ( LAPS ) and designed by us for the detection of cell physiological parameters .

  8. 为构建合适的神经元网络学习模型,采用闭环低频(1Hz)成对电极的电刺激模拟认知任务,在多通道微电极阵列系统中对培养的海马神经元网络进行训练,使其发生网络层次上的学习行为。

    To construct one appropriate learning model at networking level , on multi-electrode array , the closed-loop low frequency ( 1 Hz ) pair stimulation was used to train the cultured hippocampal neuronal network and induce the learning behavior at networking level .

  9. 用于视觉假体的柔性生物微电极阵列的设计和制作

    Design and Fabrication of Flexible Microelectrode Arrays for Retinal Prostheses

  10. 平面微电极阵列的研制和表征亚微米级叉指型超微带电极阵列的加工和电化学表征

    Fabrication and Electrochemical Characterization of Submicrometer Interdigitated Ultramicroelectrode Arrays

  11. 基于微电极阵列的高通量细胞电融合方法研究

    Study of a Microelectrode Array Based High-throughput Cell-electrofusion Method

  12. 基于有限元分析方法的视觉假体微电极阵列的设计与测试

    Design and Test of Microelectrode Array for Visual Prostheses Based on Finite Element Method

  13. 基于粉末微电极阵列的组合电化学测试富勒烯的电化学

    A combinatorial electrochemistry testing using powder microelectrode array

  14. 微电极阵列大脑电信号检测技术的进展

    Progress of Microelectrode Arrays for Brain Signal Recordings

  15. 微电极阵列细胞传感器芯片技术的研究进展

    Development of microelectrode array based cell sensor

  16. 微电极阵列若干电化学特性的研究

    Electrochemical Characteristics of Micro - electrode Array

  17. 当前微电极阵列表面纳米粒子处理的相关量化分析尚为欠缺。

    By now quantified evaluating analysis for electrode surface treatment is lacked and should be applied .

  18. 其中,用刺入式微电极阵列对视神经进行电刺激实现视觉修复的视神经视觉假体,是一种新的视觉修复手段。

    Optic nerve stimulation with penetrating microelectrode array has been suggested as a possible and novel method for visual prosthesis .

  19. 系统由一个电化学微电极阵列和两个光寻址电位传感器组成。

    It combines an Au microelectrodes array ( AuMEA ) with two light-addressable potentiometric sensors ( LAPS ) on a silicon substrate .

  20. 综述了目前国际上基于微电极阵列技术的细胞传感器芯片的研究状况。

    This paper reports the development of a novel microelectrode array , based cell sensor recording platform with the fabrication of microelectrode array MEA .

  21. 考察了线性硅材料微电极阵列在神经细胞电位检测中的稳定性,以及对于单细胞动作电位检测的有效性。

    The stability of the linear silicon electrode array ( LSEA ) in recording neuronal potentials and its validity in recording unit activity are investigated .

  22. 结论:插入式电极在皮层及脊髓能稳定记录到中枢神经电信号,为植入式微电极阵列在中枢系统特别是脊髓内的长期植入记录建立一定的实验基础。

    Conclusion : The electrophysiological signals from cortex and spinal cord can be recorded stably , which provided the experimental technology for the recording with microelectrode array .

  23. 视网膜上假体可以分为外部装置和内部装置,其中内部装置包括了神经接口模块,即刺激视网膜神经细胞的微电极阵列。

    Epiretinal prosthesis consists of external device and internal one , which includes neural-interface module , the microelectrode array ( MEA ) to stimulate retinal nerve cells .

  24. 而随着生物医学工程、计算机科学以及仿生学等学科的发展,人工视觉假体为盲人恢复视觉功能提供了一种有效的方法,即在视觉通路中植入微电极阵列从而诱发盲人的光环视感受。

    With the development of biomedical engineering , computer science and bionics , visual prosthesis become an available approach for the blind to restore partial or complete sight .

  25. 各种视觉假体刺激的部位不同,但是基本功能是相同的,都需要将外界的光信号转换为可用的电流脉冲,通过微电极阵列刺激相关部位产生光幻视。

    All visual prostheses have the same function : converting outside optical signal to certain current pulses and stimulating the relevant parts by the micro-electrode array to generated phosphenes .

  26. 通过控制施加在微电极阵列上的脉冲电压时序,来精确操作和控制疏水介质层表面液滴的运动。

    By controlling the sequence of voltage pulses applied to the microelectrode array under the dielectric layer , droplets on the surface of the hydrophobic layer could be manipulated .

  27. 为研究表面型人工视网膜微电极阵列在人眼压力环境下的位移,特别设计了多种微电极阵列,进行了应力仿真。

    To study the displacement of MEA under the stress of eye , different kinds of electrodes were designed and stress simulation was carried out in the design process .

  28. 采用微加工技术将芯片的细胞电融合小室制作成微电极阵列以实现细胞的大量融合,提高细胞的融合效率。

    The cell fusion room of chip was completed by MEMS and made into an array of the microelectrode to realize huge cell fusion and to improve the efficiency of cell fusion .

  29. 目前,随着微机电系统工艺的发展和神经电极的性能需求,多通道柔性薄膜微电极阵列已成为视网膜假体的重要组成部分。

    With the development of MEMS ( Micro-Electro-Mechanical System ) techniques and performance requirements of electrode , multichannel flexible thin-film microelectrode array ( MEA ) has become the important component of retinal prosthesis .

  30. 该技术是通过用微电极阵列等芯片技术记录气体分子作用于神经元膜表面嗅觉受体产生的动作电位而达到气体检测的一种更具仿生意义的生物电子鼻技术。

    This is a really mimicking bioelectronic nose technology , which can detect odors by using chips such as microelectrode array to record action potential representing the banding of odorants and odorant receptors in cell membrane .