
  • 网络microwave digestion method
  1. 因此,在测定工业废水中的COD时,完全可以用微波消解法取代经典的重铬酸盐法。

    It is obvious that microwave digestion method can be used to replace the classic dichromate method when measuring COD in industrial wastewater .

  2. 研究了用微波消解法分解润滑脂并用ICP-AES测定硼的方法,确定了合适的微波消解条件,优化了ICP-AES的工作参数,消除了共存元素的干扰。

    It is researched the method of boron determination by ICP-AES using microwave digestion method to decompose lubricating grease , the proper conditions of microwave digestion are settled down , the working parameters of ICP-AES are optimized , and the interference of co-existent elements is eliminated .

  3. 电热板消解法与微波消解法测定大气颗粒物Cu、Pb元素的对比

    Pre-Treatment Method Comparison of Electric Cooker Digestion and Microwave Digestion in Determination of Cuprum and Lead in Atmosphere

  4. 采用微波消解法处理样品,运用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)和质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了大米中微量元素。

    Trace elements in rice digested by microwave are detected by inductive coupled plasma atom emission spectrum and mass spectrum .

  5. 目的比较比色法、微波消解法与标准回流法在测定各种水样中化学耗氧量(COD)时的优缺点。

    Ve To compare the advantage and disadvantages of spectrophotometry assay , microwave di-gestion and standard circumfluence method for determination of chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) in various water samples .

  6. 方法采用GB/T5009.90食品中铁、镁、锰的测定方法中样品直接处理法与微波消解法测定白酒中锰的含量。

    [ Methods ] Direct treating method in GB / T 5009 90 and microwave - dispelling method were applied to determine the content of manganese in Chinese white wine .

  7. 酸性媒介染料染深色羊绒是较为常用的染色方法,采用微波消解法对媒介黑PV染色羊绒制品进行预处理,再通过原子吸收光谱测定法(AAS)测定样品的铬含量。

    Cashmere products in dark shade are normally dyed with acid alizarine dyes , chrome content in fabrics is determined by fabric pretreatment with microwave digestion followed by atomic absorption spectrometer ( AAS ) .

  8. 概述了微波消解法的原理、特点、消化体系的选择及其在环境分析中的应用(包括金属元素分析、非金属元素分析、COD测定等)进展。

    The principles , characteristics , selection of digestion system and the applications of microwave digestion technology in environmental analysis ( including analyses of metal , analyses of non-metal and determination of COD , etc ) have been reviewed .

  9. 采用微波消解法对蜂胶软胶囊样品进行处理,研究了微波消解和ICP-MS的测定条件,建立了微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定蜂胶软胶囊中砷、铅、镉的方法。

    A method for determination of As , Pb and Cd in soft propolis capsule by microwave digestion-ICP-MS is reported . The conditions of microwave digestion and ICP-MS determination were studied .

  10. 采用微波消解法消解样品,用火焰原子吸收分光光度法分别测定了四种不同产地菊花中的Fe、Mn、Zn、Ca、Mg、Cu、Ni的含量;

    Chrysanthemums samples were digested by microwave-assisted digestion , and the contents of Fe , Mn , Zn , Ca , Mg , Cu and Ni in four kinds of chrysanthemums from different areas were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) .

  11. 用用微波消解法处理富含油脂的油菜籽样品,氢化物原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)测定其中的砷和汞。

    The As , Hg in rapeseed rich in oil were treated by microwave method and determined by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry ( HG-AFS ) .

  12. 样品测定的RSD小于4.02%,加标回收率均在98.6%~102.7%之间,但微波消解法的溶样速度是常规法的10倍。

    Relative standard deviations ( RSD ) of determination are less than 4.02 % . The speed of microwave digestion is nearly 10 times of that of the conventional ashing method . Recoveries of two methods are 98.6 % ~ 102.7 % .

  13. 将微波消解法与传统的湿法消解法处理膨化食品进行比较,用APDC-DDTC-MIBK体系萃取富集试液中的铅,利用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收法测定其含量。

    A comparison was made between microwave digestion and wet digestion methods for the determination of Pb in bulgy food with FAAS . And being concentrated by APDC-DDTC-MIBK system extraction .

  14. 为测定和分析金樱子茎、根中的微量元素种类及含量,采用酸式(HNO3-H2O2)微波消解法处理样品,原子吸收分光光度法测定了金樱子根茎中的微量元素,统计学处理数据。

    To determine trace elements in stem , root were samples handled with acerbic ( HNO_3-H_2O_2 ) micwave-digestion , and then trace elements of its different parts were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry , and SPSS statistical method was used to deal with data of result .

  15. 微波消解法快速测定废水中的总磷

    Rapid Determination of Total Phosphorus in Wastewater by Microwave Digestion Method

  16. 微波消解法测定饲料骨粉中磷

    The Method for Feed and Bone Dust Digestion in Microwave Stove

  17. 微波消解法测定水中的总磷含量探析

    Determination of the amount of phosphorus in the water by microwave dissolution

  18. 土壤样品中铅和镉的微波消解法研究

    Microwave Digestion Method for Pb and Cd in Soil Sample

  19. 微波消解法测定污水中的化学需氧量

    Determination of the Chemical oxygen Demand by Microwave Digestive Method

  20. 微波消解法测定土壤中汞

    The Determinations of Mercury in Soil Based on the Technology of Microwave Digestion

  21. 微波消解法测定小麦胚芽中磷的含量

    Determination of Phosphorus in Wheat Embryo by Microwave Digestion-Spectrophotometry

  22. 微波消解法测定食品中微量元素的研究

    Study on detection of the trace elements in food by microwave digestion method

  23. 微波消解法测定粉煤灰中的重金属元素

    Determination of Trace Heavy Metals in Fly Ash with Microwave Digestion by ICP-MS

  24. 过硫酸钾&微波消解法测定炼油污水中的总磷

    Determine Total Phosphorus in Refining Wastewater with Potassium Peroxy-Sulfate - Microwave - Clearing Method

  25. 密封微波消解法测定总氮的研究

    Determination of Total Nitrogen by Hermetic Microwave Digestion

  26. 微波消解法快速测定环己烷氧化分解液中的总酯

    Quick Determine the Total Ester in Decomposing Liquid of Cyclohexane Oxidation with Microwave Eliminating

  27. 采用微波消解法消解污水,讨论了消解时间和压力对消解效果的影响。

    The influence of digestion time , digestion pressure on analytical results was discussed .

  28. 封闭微波消解法与高压蒸汽消解法测定总氮对比研究

    Contrast study on determination of total nitrogen by hermetic microwave and high pressure steam digestion

  29. 若杂质比较严重的酒样,宜采取微波消解法。

    If liquor samples had serious impurity , microwave resolution method should be adopted firstly .

  30. 微波消解法在食品重金属残留量测定中的应用

    The Application of Microwave Digestion Method in the Determination of Residual Amount of Heavy Metal of Food