
  • 网络microbatteries;microbattery;micro battery;micro-battery;microcell
  1. 结果表明:在HF溶液处理过程中,合金组成相之间的微电池腐蚀效应促进了裂纹萌生,扩展和比表面积的增大,从而改善了合金的电化学性能。

    The results show that creak initiation and propagation and the increase of the specific surface area were accelerated due to the effect of the microcell corrosion during the HF pre treating , therefore the electrochemical properties of the alloy were improved .

  2. 氰化作业中应用铅盐可在金粒表面形成微电池,对于纯金颗粒这原电池可促进金的溶解。

    The application of lead salt in the cyanide leaching operation can produce microcell in the surface of gold grain .

  3. 微电池在未来的便携式电子设备、国防装备及微电子机械系统(MEMS)等方面有着广泛的应用前景,受到人们的重视。

    Recently , micro-batteries are attracting excessive attentions for its ' potential applications in many aspects such as portable electronic productions , national defense and MEMS .

  4. Fe-Cu微电池电解法预处理硝基苯废水

    Application of Fe-Cu Micro-Electrolysis Technology in Nitrobenzene Containing Wastewater Pre-treating

  5. 通过微电池的反应,苯酚首先被降解成邻苯二酚、间苯二酚、对苯二酚等中间产物,进而又被矿化为CO2和H2O。

    In the micro-cell , firstly phenol is degraded into the intermediates , such as catechol , resorcinol and hydroquinone , and then mineralized into CO2 and H2O .

  6. 试验数据表明,废水经PAM混凝沉淀-铁炭微电池预处理和生物膜SBR处理后,可达标排放。

    The results show that the wastewater pretreated by PAM coagulation / precipitation iron carbon micro cell process and then treated by biofilm SBR process can meet the discharge standards .

  7. 对这种结构的微电池性能进行仿真得到最佳p-n结结深,结果证明了该结构具有较高的输出功率。

    The performance simulation is utilized to the optimal p-n junction depth . The results demonstrate that this direct conversion device has higher output power .

  8. 介绍了放射性同位素63Ni同位素微电池(radioisotopemicrobattery)的工作原理、结构和性能指标,建立了电池电流的计算公式。

    The principle , structure , and characteristics of ~ ( 63 ) Ni Radioisotope Micro Battery ( RMB ) were introduced . The equations of circuit current were established .

  9. 采用柱式装置利用微电池法处理二硝基重氮酚(DDNP)废水,通过实验找出了最佳实验条件。

    The method of DDNP waste-water was introduced . This experiment will use micro-cell treat the DDNP waste-water of satelite chemical factery in column device .

  10. 氧在活性炭阳极上析出过程中生成的羟基自由基·OH是一中间产物,并吸附在活性炭阳极的界面上,其与吸附在活性炭上的苯酚形成微电池。

    Hydroxyl free radical · OH generated in the process of the oxygen evaluation from the activated carbon surface was an intermediary product , and adsorbed on the activated carbon anode surface . Meanwhile , the micro-batteries were formed between the absorbed · OH radicals and the adsorbed phenol .

  11. 本文选择引人注目的锂电池正极材料LiMn2O4作为研究对象,采用旋涂技术的溶液沉积法成功制备了尖晶石结构的锂微电池LiMn2O4正极膜。

    In this thesis , the remarkable cathode LiMn_2O_4 was chosen as a major subjects investigated . Thin film electrode of spinel LiMn_2O_4 for rechargeable lithium micro-batteries was successfully prepared by a solution deposition route .

  12. 研究了用铁屑微电池原理预处理酿酒废水的方法和作用机理;酿酒废水培养钝顶螺旋藻(S.platensis)与营养物质去除的研究

    The method and action mechanism of the brewing wastewater pretreated by the iron chipping microelectrolysis principle are studied . Simultaneous Single-cell Production and Nutrient Removal Using Spirulina platensis in Brewing Process Wastewater

  13. 微电池法还原脱氯降阶2,4-二氯苯酚的初步研究

    Studies on reduction , dechlorination and degration of 2,4-dichlorophenol with micro-cell process

  14. 微电池滤床法处理含油废水

    Treatment of Oil-Containing Wastewater by Micro Cell Filter Bed Process

  15. 全固态薄膜锂微电池的研究进展

    Research progress in all solid-state thin film lithium micro battery

  16. 介绍了同位素微电池的工作原理及结构组成。

    The working principle and fundamental structure of the novel micro battery were introduced .

  17. 铁炭微电池电解填充流化床反应器水力学行为研究

    Study on hydraulic behaviors of ferrum-carbon micro-cell electrolysis reactor of packed - fluidized bed

  18. 研究了铁屑-活性炭组成微电池处理模拟含铬废水的工艺,研究了去除铬的最佳条件。

    The best conditions for the treatment of simulated wastewater of containing chromium were found .

  19. 振动式球磨能够促进铁-镁间微电池结构的形成,从而使放热和放氢增加。

    Concussive milling can promote the corrosion microstructure formation ; thus , increase the released volume of H2 .

  20. 主要研究了微电池法处理印染废水的净化处理技术。

    The treatment of the micro - cell for dyeing and printing waste - water has been studied in this project .

  21. 对粉煤灰活性和粉煤灰种类对微电池反应体系处理效果影响进行了研究;

    The influence of the activity and the sorts of fly ash in the treatment has been studied in the project .

  22. 详述了全固态薄膜锂微电池正极材料薄膜的制备技术和发展现状。

    The preparation technology and development actualities of the positive material thin film for the all solid-state lithium micro battery were reviewed .

  23. 介绍了全固态薄膜锂微电池的研究进展以及分类和一般结构;

    The research progress in the all solid-state thin film lithium micro battery was reviewed . Its classification and structure were introduced .

  24. 全固态薄膜锂离子电池在未来微电子器件中具有广泛的应用前景,但该微电池在制备工艺方面还需进一步优化。

    Recently , all solid state thin film lithium ionic batteries are attracting excessive attentions for its potential applications in micro-electronics devices .

  25. 由于锌电极表面的不均匀性,从而形成许多的腐蚀微电池。

    Due to the non-uniform of face of zinc electrode , a lot of micro batteries will be formed in the zinc electrode .

  26. 本文提出了一种新型的铁炭微电池电解反应器&填充流化床反应器,并对该反应器的水力学行为进行了研究。

    An innovative reactor for ferrum-carbon micro-cell electrolysis ( packed-fluidized bed ) was presented and its hydraulic behaviors have been investigated in this study .

  27. 目前已开展研究的微电池系列有:微型锌镍电池,微型全固态锂电池,微型太阳电池,微型温差电池,微型燃料电池等。

    Presently , several micro-batteries have been studied such as Zn-Ni micro-battery , all-solid-state lithium micro-battery , solar micro-cell , micro thermoelectric battery and fuel micro-battery .

  28. 但是镍含量过高,都会使涂层发生腐蚀微电池作用,产生不利影响。

    But when the nickel content is too high , the coating will occur the corrosion micro-cell function and have a negative impact on the coating .

  29. 详细介绍了纳米线组装病毒基二次微电池微型电极的制备过程和病毒基二次电池的电化学性能。

    The preparation of nanowires assembled into micro-electrode in virus-enabled micro power systems and the electrochemical properties of these micro power systems are introduced in detail .

  30. 此微电池理论可用于合理地解释三维电极电解的所有实验结果,从而进一步验证了理论的正确性。

    The micro-battery mechanism can be used to reasonably explain the results of three-dimensional electrolysis experiments , which conversely further proved the correctness of the micro-battery mechanism .