
diàn zǐ huà
  • electronize;electronization
电子化[diàn zǐ huà]
  1. 用VB实现班主任工作的电子化

    How to use VB to realize electronization of class directors ' work

  2. GIS技术的发展为地理信息的电子化、可视化、网络化带来了重大革新。

    The rapid development of GIS technology has brought significant innovation to the electronization , visualization and networking of geographic information .

  3. 电子化学习成功的关键在于建立有效和适合个性化的电子课程,通常也说内容为王(Contentisking.)。

    The key of success lies on the electronic curricula . Content is king .

  4. C/S架构的应用程序显然不利于适时地更新电子化流程;

    Obviously , the application of C / S architecture is disadvantageous in updating electronic flow in good time .

  5. 通过Internet分析环境下分布计算系统的特征,探讨了大规模、复杂电子化服务系统实现中所面临的难点。

    Based on the speciality of distributed computing in Internet , the paper discusses the difficulties in building large-scale and complex electronic service system .

  6. 企业资源计划(ERP)是推进企业电子化管理的一个重要举措。

    In recent years , many Chinese enterprise have implemented enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) .

  7. 随着各种信息电子化和政府上网、电子政务等项目的实施,对Web网页内容的访问控制和内容保密的需求越来越明显。

    With the development of digitalization of information and the advance of electronic government , there is an increasing requirement for classified access and content confidential of web pages .

  8. 随着信息化的进行,世界各国都在进行政府办公的电子化即电子政务(E-Government)。

    With the process of informatization , various countries are carrying on the program of Electronic Government ( E-Government ) .

  9. 分析了中国古籍电子化和网络化面临的问题和研究用Unicode和XML技术解决古籍电子化和网络化问题的方法。

    This article analyses electron and network problem of Chinese Ancient Books , and studies technology of Unicode and XML to resolve this problem ;

  10. EPF和IBMRationalMethodComposer通过交付电子化的知识来对这个范式进行进一步研究,并且这个交付要以允许采用的公司和团队易于修改的方式来表示。

    EPF and IBM Rational Method Composer take this paradigm one step further by delivering electronic knowledge in a form that allows easy modification by the adopting organizations and teams .

  11. 分析了国内外图书馆电子化、网络化的发展状况,提出了一种基于Internet的网络化电子图书馆系统的设计方案,并介绍了其中主要功能模块的设计和实现。

    In the paper , a basic review of the network electronic libraries was presented , an Internet-based network electronic library model was introduced , finally the design and implementation of the main modules in the system were introduced .

  12. 论述了Internet驱动的供应链的产生背景,具体描述了Internet驱动的供应链与传统供应链的三个具有竞争力的转变:电子化设计、电子交易和基于Web的协同规划。

    The paper describes the background that internet-enabled supply chain has been developed at first , and then states the internet-enabled supply chain 's three competitive changes compared with the traditional supply chain : E-design , E-exchange and web-based collaborative planning .

  13. 电子化检查时,将测绘专业软件、AUTOCAD机助制图软件和Office的Excel、WORD应用软件有效结合,提高了检查作业的效率和检查结果的准确性、客观性。

    Using the back-check , the authors take special surveying software AutoCAD combining with application software Excel and WORD of Office to heighten back-check exercise efficiency , the veracity , and objectivity of the back-check result .

  14. 简述了其在系统教学设CBE计、电子化教室授课和远程教育中的使用。

    And the usage of the system in systematic instructional design , teaching in electronic classrooms and distance education is briefly described .

  15. 基于以上问题,本文针对公司管理模型,根据软件工程的基本流程,开发设计基于Web的客户信息管理系统,实现公司管理的电子化,减轻管理人员的负担。

    So , according to the basic process of the software engineering , this paper develop and design of the customer information management system based of Web in allusion to company management model , in order to realize the company management electron and reduce management burden .

  16. 针对大规模电子化考场监控,提出基于Fourier-Mellin变换的宽视场图像合成技术。

    An image mosaic method based on Fourier-Mellin transform is presented for large scale electronic testing surveillance .

  17. 电子化测量健康相关生命质量的随机交叉对照试验SF-36电子版和纸质版的比较

    Randomized cross Controlled Trial of Electronic Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life with Software QL-Recorder : A Comparison of an Electronic Version of the SF-36 to the Paper Version

  18. 几年来,美亚保险(AIG)在逐步理顺管理体制的同时,对办公过程的电子化和信息化也在进行不断地尝试。

    In recent years , AIG improves its management system step by step , and at the same time , it also tries to keep electronization and informatization continuously during the office process .

  19. 解决这些问题的有效方法是电子化人力资源管理(e-HR)。

    To solve the problems the library should implement modern personal management model such as the electronic human resource management ( e - HR ) .

  20. ABIS(农业银行综合应用系统)简称新一代,是农业银行的一项跨世纪科技工程,是全新的银行电子化业务系统。

    ABIS ( the integrated application of agricultural bank system ) is abbreviated as " a new generation ", it is a cross-centennial scientific and technological project of an agricultural bank , It is a brand-new electronic business system of bank .

  21. 虚拟价值链:建立电子化管理体系。

    To establish an electronic value chain based on information technology .

  22. 实时的信息管理是电子化制造模式的需要。

    Real time information management is very important to e-manufacturing strategy .

  23. 未来油品零售业的电子化服务

    E - service for Oil Product Retail Industry in the Future

  24. 流程管理技术电子化的演变路径及趋势分析

    Analysis on development route and trend of the BPM technology electronization

  25. 吉林邮政综合网电子化支局系统的分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of Integrated Networking System of Jilin Postal Branch

  26. 目的为患者及医务人员提供药品说明书电子化服务。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide electronic dispensatory for patients and medical staff .

  27. 图书管理现代化也就是说管理信息化、电子化。

    The library management modernization means information and electronic reconsturction .

  28. 期刊的电子化网络化是学术期刊的发展方向。

    Electronization and networkalization are the development direction of the academic periodicals .

  29. 浅析国际贸易实务电子化趋势

    Brief Analysis on the " Electronic " Trend of International Trade Affairs

  30. 以信息技术特别是电子化采购提高政府采购效率;

    Promoting efficiency of government procurement through electron procurement in information technology ;